Chapter 360

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"What were you thinking Catnap?!" Bobby demands as she whacks Catnap over the head with her paw. "Ow..!" Catnap hisses at her before replying "it worked didn't it?!" he yells at her but she along with the others are glaring at him. "That was irresponsible Catnap, what if he really did attack you for all that?" Frowny asked with his arms crossed glaring at the cat. "It's fine guys, Dogday is getting his voice back, it's fine" he said as if it wasn't a big deal. "What if he attacked you though?!" Bobby screamed at him shaking him by the shoulders, he pushes her off and hisses. "I get you all are mad, but it's not my fault! I want my best friend to have his voice back!" as Catnap screams this the other critters mumble under their breaths, but as they try to speak Killy Willy runs into the Playcare. "Guys, emergency!" he yells the critters all look at him and gasp at the plushies in his arms. "Wait what happened?!" demands Kickin looking at the plushies. "I'm not sure, but these were the plushies who were outside of the CEO's room... I'm not sure why or how, but they're still alive" as Killy Willy said this the critters see the Dogday plushies slowly moving and squeaking. "Those poor plushies.." said Bobby she gently picked one of the Dogday plushies up and looked at its eye "it's got a white pupil.." she spoke as the white pupil under the eyes were shaking a bit. "Are they forced to move..?" asked Bubba they watch the Dogday plushie in Bobby's arm trying to move a bit more it seemed to be struggling to get away. Bobby placed the plushie on the floor as did Killy and the plushies all started to crawl, very slowly, to the Playground. "Something isn't right if they're coming back alive... something isn't right in the Playground.." Catnap spoke in a low tone as the other critters and Killy Willy all looked towards the Playground. "Are we going to really go in and see..?" asked Hoppy "or should we get Dogday?" asked Kickin "no, let him rest.. we can deal with whatever's happening in there... I think" Catnap said trying to sound confident but everyone felt a bit worried when they heard his voice trembling. "Very well, we should all see... we can wait until Dogday is awa-" as he said Dogday's name the plushies of him looked towards Killy. "Umm... what happened?" he asked confused by the sudden look the Dogday plushies were giving him, the white pupils were dilated and shaky. "Something isn't right with the plushies.."we should go see... now" Catnap said as the critters took the damaged Dogday plushies and made their way to the Playground. The closer they got inside, the farther they got, the more screams they heard, the more tearing, the more growls were all heard. They heard whining, whimpering, screaming, squeaking, tearing of fabric, and even heard some soft thuds at something hit the sides of the walls.

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