Chapter 204

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Dogday suggested a sleepover one last time before everyone would become too busy for them, and everyone agreed. "You're staying with us too Frowny" said Dogday as Frowny was shocked. "You guys want me to stay, even after everything?" he asks and they all nod. "You're not perfect Frowny, it was a mistake, and we forgive you because you apologized and felt bad about it" Catnap explains smiling towards the fox. "Thank you guys so much.." Frowny said smiling at them all. Dogday was the first to fall asleep and everyone else decided to play cards again. Eventually everyone fell asleep except Catnap, he stayed up a bit longer and went to the kitchen to get a midnight snack. When he came back he saw a figure over Dogday's head thinking quickly he took a mug from Dogday's table and threw it at the figure, it screeched waking everyone up, as everyone woke up they all saw the figure run into the vent and disappear. Dogday was shocked when he woke up in ceramic cup shards, but when he saw the figure go into the vent his heart stopped. "Jax..." was all he said as the Smiling Critters looked towards the vent.

The next day Dogday was at a loss of words. He was shaken up a lot from nightmares about Sunshine and Jax, he kept blaming himself for them but Catnap never allowed him to take the blame for their deaths. Catnap stayed with him the whole rest of the night, keeping him from going through the night alone. "You're not alone when it comes to nightmares" he spoke to Dogday while Dogday hid his face in Catnap's neck taking in his lavender scent. After a while they both fell asleep until the morning where Catnap made breakfast for everyone, and Dogday was going back to school and to work with the busy schedule. "Those of you who have the pool scheduled just skip it" he instructs and everyone agrees and starts to get ready for school.

At the school the critters all start their days like normal. Dogday had a good time in class with the younger kids as they all learned about shapes and colors. Dogday mainly sat for the class but he did sing along, and clap the beat during the song to help everyone. He smiled as after the song the kids all chanted "again again" Dogday sang the song only three more times, and by the third time he was exhausted. At recess he fell asleep in the tree as Catnap held him up so he wouldn't fall. Catnap purred gently as he kissed the top of Dogday's head. "Sleep well" he spoke quickly as the two enjoyed the moment. The bell rang out and they went back to class again, this time though they noticed two more students gone, and three more new "orphans" making the toys look at each other in worry.

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