Chapter 308

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As Frowny looks at Miss Delight he can't help but smile a little, it's been a while since anyone's been there for him, besides the Smiling Critters but they were all busy, he understood that. Miss Delight was patient with him, and let him know she was there for him, and that she would wait until he was ready to talk. She was smiling at him, even as he looks away and seems to be deep in thought thinking how to start the conversation opening and closing his mouth a few times, looking towards her, and then away to think again. Miss Delight stayed by his side for the entire time until he finally found his voice and opened up about his feelings, and the nightmare he had gotten from the poppy gas. Hearing about how Frowny talked about himself, and how the poppy gas affected him so negatively Miss Delight was furious, but also sympathetic towards him, even she knew the affects of the gas, but she'd never openly admit to it. She instead wrapped her arm around Frowny and gently gave him a side hug being mindful of Small Frown sleeping between them. "Thank you for listening Miss Delight" Frowny said, but Miss Delight smiled and told him "Frowny, you listen to me okay? You are NOT a disappointment for being who you are, whether you're emo, gay, or any of the above you aren't alone, and never will be, there are many people out there like you, and there are many people who will appreciate and love you for who you truly are" as Miss Delight said this Frowny was caught off guard. "Wait how did you-" he was about to ask but Miss Delight just giggles "it was quite obvious you liked Aiden, you'd always look at him during my class" she said as Frowny Fox covers his face in embarrassment. "It's okay Frowny, like I said nobody here minds, most of the Smiling Critters are also apart of that same community" she said as Frowny looked at her with a surprised expression. "You haven't noticed Bobby, Bubba, and Crafty's polyamorous relationship?" she asked with a smirk as Frowny's eyes widen and he face palms himself. "I completely forgot about that" he admits honestly making Miss Delight chuckle. "It's okay, but still, don't be afraid of being yourself, you'll be accepted by those who are just like you, and appreciate you for you" Miss Delight said smiling as Frowny Fox looked at her and gave her a hug with tears in his eyes. "Thank you Miss Delight, thank you so much" he whispered as he started to cry. "Of course Frowny, please don't be afraid to be yourself around those you care about, if they can't care about you then you just got to keep searching for your own happiness, find those who will love you and care about you" as she said this Frowny's eyes collect more tears "The Smiling Critters.." he whispered as Miss Delight nods her head in approval. "Exactly" she agrees.

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