Chapter 205

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As school let out Dogday and the others all had a bad feeling about what was to come knowing two more kids were "adopted" and the CEO was still working, obviously he had woken up, but it still worried them that he was doing something for revenge. "We can't catch a break huh?" asked Kickin as he and Hoppy started to walk towards the Playhouse, and the others all headed towards their own activities, Dogday sighs and heads over to Home Sweet Home.

Dogday took care of the kids with Miss Delight and made sure all the babies were fed, the kids were fed and all of them did their homework, while the babies and toddlers all watched their cartoons, and played with their toys. Dogday was exhausted by the end of it, he played dolls, raced cars, etc and there seemed to be no end in sight as the kids all wanted him to play with them, they all swarmed him at one point, but he gave them each piggy back rides and helped with their homework, and flash cards, washed off the paint and crayons from the walls, cleaned up the messes and throw up some of the kids had done. Only task he didn't have to do was change the babies diapers, Miss Delight did that. By the end of just three hours he was exhausted, but he loved the kids and worked hard to make sure they were all having a fun time and happy. "You do this on your own?" he asks as Miss Delight smiles and nods "yep, I've been alone doing this for years, it's nice to have some company this time though" she smiles at Dogday making his tail wag, he was okay working there if he knew it helped Miss Delight. He'd always loved helping even as he grew up, he would help him older siblings when they needed it, if they wanted cookies he would let them lift him up and he would grab the jar for them. He smiled at the memories now because as much as he misses his siblings they were all safe... almost all of them. He wonders which sibling Sunshine was, a new brother of his, but he had never met them, and the CEO didn't bother to tell his name.

He shakes his head as Miss Delight's hand comes into view "are you okay Dogday?" she asks in concern as he smiles at her "never better" he says as he takes the kids all down for their naps. Miss Delight watches him leave, she smiles even though she knows deep down something's bothering him, but as leader his mindset is that he's not allowed to show others his weak side, but she knows how to breakdown those walls he tries to build up. She smiles after doing the laundry, and walks over to where Dogday has all the kids asleep. "May I talk with you Dogday?" she asks with a smile, Dogday nods and they get up and leave the room. "Dogday you know you can talk to me, correct?" she says as she sits down on an old bed patting the spot next to her watching Dogday sit next to her. "I know... it's just complicated" he tried to explain "I have all night" Miss Delight said as she waited for Dogday to speak.

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