Chapter 267

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As Mommy and Catnap kept taking out guard after guard in a never ending battle against toys vs humans everyone went silent as they heard a large bang. "What's that..?" asked one of the guards as they all looked around, their eyes all stopping on the playhouse as the door was being heavily knocked on, whatever was on the other side was desperate to get out, and it worried all the humans since they knew no human could make contact with the door to where it started to dent outward. The humans all backed away from the door, and Catnap and Mommy both looked at each other and back at the door. 'BANG BANG BANG BANG' kept ringing out as the humans were all backing away. Everything was silent, and stood still for a while, the fight was about to commence again but just as the guard was about to speak up the door to the playhouse flew off its hinges and sliced the guy's torso in half. As the guy's body fell everyone panicked the humans all rushed around, but as they tried to escape they opened the door to the exit and were met with The Smiling Critters plushies. The humans all slowly backed away, but knew they were the ones now outnumbered as the plushies closed in on them. The humans being unprepared with the right flare grab pack hand were forced to take part in battling off a hundred plushies. Catnap was in shock but as soon as he felt a weight on his back he looked back to see Moonlight and Jax smiling back at him. "You two did this..?" he asked as the plushies both nodded their heads making him smile wide "thank you two" he says to the plushies as they both smile and jump to the ground. "Follow us, we need help with the gas, and removing our friends from their houses" as Jax said this Catnap immediately nods and follows the two plushies back to Bubba's house.

"We needed to redirect the gas away from the houses, that way we can free everyone, as you said before Moonlight humans could overdose on the gas and go on crazy rampages to determine what's reality and what's nightmare" as Jax speaks to Moonlight Catnap's left confused. "Okay so we redirect the gas away from everyone's houses, and then what?" he asks as Moonlight and Jax look at each other and shrug. "We have to wake up our friends afterwards, we have to also convince them this is reality because if they don't know they could be negatively affected by the gas as well" Catnap explained to the plushies as they all nodded to each other and separated. Jax crawled through the vent to Dogday's dog house, Moonlight went to Bobby's bee hive house, and Catnap stayed with Bubba trying to clear as much as the red gas he could using his tail as a makeshift fan and attempting to blow some of the poppy gas out the window. He also took the time to locate the tubes that the poppy gas was coming from, but seen nothing, he assumed it was coming from the vents then.

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