Chapter 289

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As everyone waited for Catnap to return, and watched as the red gas was very slowly fading, they seem Catnap and Mommy running around chasing the kids. "How are they so hard to catch?" asked Catnap, Jax knew why, but he wasn't telling Catnap. "It's the gas.. it's affecting their minds, they see us as monsters, you should know this by now Catnap" Mommy says as she's holding six squirming children in her arms. Catnap kept looking at the kids who had the worst reactions to him... they all reminded him of when he was a child.


Theodore was sitting in the classroom, all the kids were excited for the day to begin, but he was scared. "Alright students" Miss Delight's sister walks into the classroom with Miss Delight "we have a new guest joining us today" she spoke with an excited tone. "Let's give a warm welcome to our newest friend "Dogday!" she says as a orange dog mascot comes into the room. "Hey! I'm Dogday!" as Dogday went over his intro Theodore wasn't listening, instead he was busy thinking about the adoption day he's heard so much about. "We.. we really do get adopted?" he asks one of the other students next to him, who nods in response. "Yeah, it's the best, we get a family who loves us, and we get pets, and love" the kid goes on and on about how nice a family sounded, and it made Theodore happy. "I hope to get adopted one day.. have my own family to love me, and treat me like a treasure" he says smiling to himself.

After school Theodore was going to Home Sweet Home with the rest of the kids in his class. "Dogday was fun to hangout with!" he hears his fellow students talking about the new mascot who's apparently going to be a new teacher's helper. Theo didn't really care much for the mascot 'it's just a person in a suit' he thinks with a small giggle. "Hey Theodore, are you excited for tomorrow?" Theo looks towards his classmate Jess with a confused expression. "What do you mean?" he asks as Jess smiles at him "adoption day" she says with a big smile. "Oh... I guess, I forgot about that" he admits making Jess giggle "it's okay, don't worry, I'm sure that when we get adopted maybe someone would adopt all of us at the same time" Jess said with a big smile and her hands clasped together. Jess was always a big dreamer, always loved to help her friends, and make sure they were happy, and loved equally. Theodore wasn't prepared for adoption day, as much as he wanted a family he didn't want to lose any of his classmates, or see them upset if they weren't adopted, but then again, everyone gets adopted at some point. He's heard from the other kids that everyone will end up getting adopted at some time because nobody can resist the charm of the kids in the orphanage.

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