Chapter 399

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Catnap walked to the Playground where the mini critters were still heard screaming and attacking each other. 'How long had they been fighting each other?' Catnap thought with a frown. As he makes his way over towards the Playground though Hoppy and Kickin both come up behind him. "What are you doing?" asked Hoppy in an accusatory voice glaring at Catnap who jumped at the sudden voices behind him. He turned around and glared at them both "what are you two doing here?" he asks but Kickin rolls his eyes "I came to apologize to you for recess... that wasn't cool of me, and I'm sorry I did that, I just got so angry at you.." Kickin apologized but Catnap just rolled his eyes. "Look I deserved it, it's fine, right now though I'm busy" he said this but Kickin and Hoppy look at him confused. Catnap gestures to the Playground tent and they both immediately realize he wants to check on the mini critters. "Are you sure?" asks Hoppy they place a gentle paw on Catnap's shoulder and look at the cat with worry in their eyes, but Catnap shrugged off their paw. "It's fine.. I'll be okay" he said this but Hoppy and Kickin didn't believe him: "do you want us to get the other critters?" asked Hoppy. Catnap thinks about it but he nods still a bit worried though. Kickin runs off to gather all the critters, but he doesn't get Dogday, Bitty Kitty, or Sharp Charm, Catnap doesn't blame him so he continues to look towards the Playground as the faint sounds of tearing, screeching, growling, and whimpering are coming from. He crossed his arms with a nervous expression, but Hoppy's paw grounds him as they come up to Catnap. "It's okay... it's okay to be afraid" they whisper as Catnap looked at them and smiled slightly. "I guess you're right... I just hope nothing too bad is happening though, we all witnessed what happened to those Dogday plushies" Catnap said looking at the ground clearly upset. "Yeah we all saw it, but it's okay because Kickin knows who to get and who to avoid, he's not getting Dogday because we don't know how the mini critters will react towards him" as Hoppy explains Catnap smiles a bit. He gulps a bit nervous as he watched the other critters coming closer to him each have mixed emotions about Catnap right now, some are scared, some are worried, some just seem hurt that he trusted Killy over them, but they all agreed to follow Catnap into the Playground. "Where's Killy?" asked Bobby a bit on edge as Catnap's tail rested on the ground practically dragging across the floor. "It's fine, he will be back... I think" he spoke in a small voice but the others heard him "what do you mean he will be back?" asked Frowny Fox as he told Gloom, Shade, and Small Frown to stay back, he didn't want to risk them getting hurt. "He's... just busy" Catnap spoke as he walked a bit faster getting everyone to quickly follow him inside the Playground.

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