Chapter 325

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Frowny sighs as he looks down the chute and faintly hears Daisy screaming out. "Wait-WAIT NO NOOOO" Frowny's eyes widen as he hears her screaming, but it seems like she's screaming at someone, not himself though. He listened closer, and faintly heard... Killy Willy?! "Uh oh.." he said as he backed away from the trash chute. "Come on, we got to get back to the Playcare!" he shouts and runs out of the incinerator room followed quickly by a frightened Gloom, Small Frown, and Shade as Daisy's screams have been silenced rather quickly.

Catnap waves to Mommy as she walked him to the Playcare and decides it was time for her and Bunzo to go back to their own places in the train station. "Bye Catnap! Bye Playcare!" shouts Bunzo as he skips off with Mommy. "Bye Catnap, good luck with everything, you ever need help you let me know" she smiles softly and walks away with Bunzo. Catnap smiled knowing that this would be a good day, until Frowny rushed into the Playcare with Gllom, Shade, and Small Frown chasing after him and trying to calm him down. "Wait what?" Catnap said as he watches Frowny run up to the school, and into his little makeshift house on the side of the school. "Huh.. okay then" Catnap mumbles under his breath as he shrugs and starts to make his way towards his own house. He looks over at Dogday's house and sees Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm just sitting in the front lawn. He finds that odd so he walks over to them. "You two okay?" he asks as they both look up at him with frowns on their faces. "Umm.. not really..." they both admit, hearing this Catnap puts his sleep aside in favor of helping Dogday's children. "Want to talk about it guys?" he offers with a gentle smile as he sits across from them and holds both his paws out to them. They both take his paws into their own, and then they hold each other's paws and smile at each other. "Okay, who wants to share first?" Catnap asks patiently as the two are a bit hesitant about going first, he smiles in understanding "I'll go first" he says bravely. "Okay so this whole week has been hectic for a lot of reasons, and as much as we all miss Dogday, we have him in our hearts forever, and he will always be apart of us, and our family" Catnap said confidently as he continued "Dogday was a brave, kind, honest, and generous leader any of us have ever met, nobody would be able to ever replace him, or take his spot as our leader even if they tried" Catnap's tail slithered in the air like a serpent as his eyes were closed and he continued "we love Dogday no matter what, he will never be forgotten, and we will celebrate every day and move forward with him in our hearts" as he says this Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm are looking at Catnap with smiles and teary eyes.

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