Chapter 236

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The young boy was seen on the operating table in the underground lab, he screamed for his parents, but nobody had come to save him, he was alone with people in scary masks, and insane, messed up minds. "Alright, stand still kid, this won't hurt you.. that much" was all the kid heard before he went to sleep with red gas.

A few hours later the kid had woken up and noticed changes right away. He was a bit scared of his surroundings but said nothing as the CEO walked over to him with a glare. "You're lucky we don't just cut your hands off" as the CEO threatened the poor kid, he backed up but not before he tripped and fell to the floor. "Cut them off..?" the kid asked shaking and flapping his hands a bit, but the CEO took out a metal rod holding it above the kid's head as he tried to shield himself.

Finally the kid was done with the beating as he coward in a ball shielding myself from the CEO who stood above him with the metal rod holding it above Dogday's head. "Now, you are Dogday.. no longer a child, you are going to grow up quickly, and make other kids happy, make sure they are not like you" as the CEO said those words Dogday's heart broke. "Wha..? Stop kids from being like me, what do yo-" the CEO smacked him with the metal rod against his head again making the mascot curl up even tighter and whimper cowering from the CEO "THAT" the CEO flapped his hands the same way Dogday had been doing "sir.. I can't do tha-" another hit to the cranium and Dogday was knocked out. "Then we will work on forcing you to not do it around others, because you'll look like an outcast and the kids would HATE YOU" the CEO said to the unconscious mascot as he turned around and asked his scientists to tie Dogday up and teach him to not.. flap his paws in an annoying manner that would distract the kids and make him look stupid.

End of Flashback

Dogday stayed curled up near Miss Delight slightly whimpering and subconsciously rubbing his head. She removed his hand and started to gently pet him and reassured him that he would be safe here, he could stim freely, and she even suggested he tell his friends. "Won't they hate me..? Think I'm weird..?" he asks in a small voice, but Miss Delight shook her head "not at all, they're your friends, real friends would understand and respect you for you, they shouldn't judge you if they were your real friends" Miss Delight said as Dogday looked up at her from his laying position. She scratched behind his ear and told him "you don't have to let them know right now, but one day you should, I'm sure they'll understand and even let you stim freely around them, you don't have to be afraid to be yourself around others Dogday, we all have your back" Dogday looked at Miss Delight with a small smile and she brought up something that made Dogday feel so much better about. "Hoppy and the other Smiling Critters banned the CEO from the Playcare, so you won't have to worry about seeing him anywhere near here, only his scientists or security guards, but your friends obviously won't allow them to get to you without a good reason" she said as Dogday's tail started to wag against the bed and he smiled at Miss Delight "really?" he asked excitedly as Miss Delight nods her head yes. "You should of seen Hoppy, she was so angry about what the CEO did to you.. your friends love you Dogday, they don't just see you as their leader, or just their friend, I think they see you as a brother figure too" as Miss Delight said this Dogday looked at her in shock. "Wait... they see me as family?" he asks her as she nods her head yes "more then you know Dogday, you've been family for a lot of these guys, you are a fatherly figure to Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm, a best friend to the Smiling Critters, but also a brother to the Smiling Critters as well, as well as a leader they all look up to" Miss Delight was happy to see some spark back in Dogday that he'd been missing for a while now. "Then I guess I'll have to work with them all, and make sure they all feel the same way with each other" he said with a big grin making Miss Delight smile wide and nod her head approvingly. "Good Luck Dogday" she said as he gives her a hug and runs off to talk to Catnap about his plans.

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