Chapter 240

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As Picky Piggy walks over to Frowny she realizes he's asleep. He doesn't seem to be able to get comfortable as he tosses and turns, but se soon realizes he's having a nightmare. She gasps and runs forward to help him snap back to reality. "Frowny.. Frowny Fox wake up!" she's yelling at him to wake up and shaking him furiously, it takes a while but Frowny finally gasps awake. "Frowny what happened?" she asked as she sat down next to him as he sat up shaking badly. "It's fi-fine.. I'm used to the bad dreams" he tries to act tough, but she can tell he's lying to himself. "Frowny, you don't have to lie to me.. we're friends, friends shouldn't lie to each other, or something bothering you, let me know, and I'll listen, I promise" Picky smiles at Frowny and he smiles towards her a bit before he thinks about how to start this conversation. "I've been having bad dreams ever since I was created... like this" he points to himself as Picky nods, and patiently waits for him to continue. "These bad dreams are... are about how, how.. how we all die.." as Frowny said this Picky looks at him in shock. "What do you mean.. die? We are toys, we can't die... right?" she asks as she looks straight ahead with a frown. "We, well... we still have human parts in us.. brains, bones, you name it, so there is a chance.." Picky said as her voice got quieter and quieter. "We... we could actually die.." the realization hit Picky hard. "Suddenly I forgot why I came over here.." she said as she walked back to her house. Frowny Fox watched her leave and he felt a bit upset, he didn't mean to make her upset, he decided to follow her back to her house and help her through her own pain, the pain he caused her.

As Frowny Fox walked to Picky's house he was getting an apology ready. "What do I tell her? I shouldn't have told her my bad dreams, I should've kept it to myself, it's not okay that I hurt my friend.." as he knocked on Picky's door waiting for her to open up, he had to get his nerves under control. "I hope I didn't hurt her too badly... I shouldn't have sai-" Picky opened the door with a smile. "Hey Frowny, you're here early, I was about to come back and get you" as she said this Frowny was confused. "I remembered why I came to see you, it was because I wanted to get all my friends together for a feast, I kind of made too much food, so I.. I need to get everyone over here so we can have a party" she said smiling at the fox. Frowny opened his mouth and closes it, and opens it again but nothing came out so he sighs, and looks at Picky. "I'll help you get everyone" he offers with a smile as Picky smiles, grabs his paw, and they run off to collect the other critters.

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