Chapter 249

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As Bobby saw Crafty being strangled by Daisy she saw red. The next thing Daisy said caught everyone off. "You're lucky I was suspended in the air or I would have killed the stupid chicken and the rabbit who tried to come into MY game and-" before Daisy could say another word Bobby had punched her off of Crafty. Daisy went flying but stopped herself as she looked at the Smiling Critters enraged, just as she was about to attack Bobby for interfering with her work Frowny Fox jumped onto her back and started to tug on her stem. Daisy screamed out in pain and agony as she felt her body being torn apart. "Frowny stop!" Bobby stepped in and tried to get them to stop fighting. "We just need to get to Dogday, we shouldn't need to fight to get to him, right, he's our friend" she tries to explain, but nobody really listened. Frowny was now attacking Daisy as they struggled against each other trying to tear into each other. Bobby sighed but turned to help Crafty, but only saw her attacking Bee Cat. "I'm coming Crafty!" she yells through the crowd as she makes her way over to Crafty and Cat Bee. "You dumb critters will not make us look bad any-" before she could speak her thoughts a vent opened above them, and Kickin, Hoppy, Huggy, and Kissy all came down to join the fight. "Hey guys, thought you could use some help!" Hoppy said kicking a few of the security guards away, as Kickin Chicken tackled Cat Bee away from Craftycorn making Bobby and Craftycorn both cheer. Catnap smiled as he saw Huggy and Kissy teaming up and attacking each of the security guards as they all make their way closer to the doorway. "We are almost there Dogday, stay safe please.." Catnap said as he tackled Daisy off of Frowny Fox as he gave Catnap a thumbs up. The toys were finally winning as they were getting closer to the CEO's door. "Almost there!" Catnap head butts a security guard breaking their gas mask and inhaling some poppy gas they fall asleep in Catnap's arms, he throws them over to Huggy Wuggy as the blue monster smiles and eats their head clean off before throwing the body toward Kissy who grabs the body and flings it towards the wall in a splatter of blood, bones, clothing, and brain. Bee Cat and Daisy looked towards the splatter that was once a human, and they both started to back down in fear for their own lives. "You all are horrible toys... all evil, dark, and twisted toys..! The CEO warned us, and he was right...!" Cat Bee said as she clung to Daisy, both were badly beaten, but still in working order. "You two need to leave us alone, especially when it comes to our leader" Catnap spoke in a low voice, warning tone very noticeable. "We... okay.. you guys can go through..." just as Cat Bee said that Daisy screamed "SECURITY!" Daisy and Cat Bee ran out of the hallway as the doors all shut and locked the toys in, the vents sealed off and red smoke was entering. "Everyone hold your breathes as long as you can, and try to break down the CEO's door, the security guards all had masks on, they had grab packs ready, and they were all fully prepared to fight the toys, they hadn't noticed the toys were all falling asleep. "That was easy" as one security guard was about to grab Hoppy they hadn't noticed Catnap.

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