Chapter 343

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"No! I was so close!" Poppy stomps her foot angrily as the claw retreats into the shadows. "This isn't fair, I was so close!" she keeps rambling to herself as the lift slowly brings her up. "Where is that annoying claw even hiding.." she speaks out loud trying to calm her own nerves as she runs back to the fight. "I'm back- what the?!" she was speechless.

Catnap was in front of the two Dogdays the one with prototype and the one she could only assume was Rich. "What happened..?" Catnap asked as he moved closer to the Dogday who had yet to say anything. "Look I know this is a shock to you Rich, but... but we need to help you... we will help you, through all of this" Catnap was inches away from the Dogday, but it had yet to say a word. "Does he have a voice box?!" Catnap demands as the CEO makes his way over, gun still in his hand. "Of course he does, but it's going to take him a while to get used to everything, that's why you all will show him around, and teach him how to be a Smiling Critter" as the CEO said this the other critters and toys were at a loss of words. "Wait, you just want us to show him how to be a Smiling Critter?" asked Catnap a bit suspicious of the CEO's motives. "That's right, I just want you all to show this Dogday what it's like to be the leader, his house, and his current life" the CEO said with a smirk causing Catnap to be on full alert. "How do we know this isn't a trick?" he asks as he eyes the Dogday prototype. "It's not a trick, you wanted your Dogday back, I brought him back for you" the CEO said as he gently pushed the Dogday mascot towards the others. "It's been fun you guys, but I have other plans, and I need you all to take your best friend back to the Playcare, and get him ready for his new life" the CEO sounded bored, and that made Catnap angry. "Don't worry Rich, we will make sure you're okay in the Playcare" Catnap took the Dogday mascot by its paw and dragged him out towards the Playcare, the other toys following close behind. "Good luck" said the CEO as he of course didn't mean it. As all the toys, and Smiling Critters left the CEO's office he went back into the lab, walked over each of the dead scientist's bodies and avoided getting blood on his shoes, he climbed the hatch with his gas mask, and walked left. There he opened a small closest with a Dogday mascot suit tied up to a chair he walked over to the suit and leaned down smirking at eye level. "Hello Rich, it's good to see you Dogday" as the CEO laughed in the Dogday's face the poor trapped human inside was screaming, yet their screams were muffled as their new voice box was added. "Dogday says... fetch!"

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