Chapter 362

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The Smiling Critters all gasped in shock. "What.. oh no.. what have we done?!" Picky was in panic but Frowny Fox held her hoof in his paw "it's okay, we'll fix this, umm... where is Dogday?" he looked behind them, but no Dogday in sight. "I.. I couldn't wake him up, he's been through so much already, I wasn't ready to wake him up and have him deal with this.. especially with what he wrote on the notes.." Catnap spoke quietly as the others all looked at him a bit confused what he meant. "Notes..?" asked Craftycorn looking at Catnap in confusion. "Oh... hold on" he said as he walked into the kitchen and brought the notes out with him showing them to his friends. "What..." Bubba spoke as he read the notes to his friends. They read:

Catnap, I heard what you said, about me being sacrificial... and it's true. You talked about me taking a bullet for you all, and it's true I would. It's not even how I was wired, it's not how I was trained, or told to be. I chose this, I made myself like this, even before I started being everyone's leader, I was always working on trying to help you guys, and I realized that I'd do anything for you all, even if it means I have to lose my own life in the process. You all are more important to me, even more then my own life. If you guys ever think otherwise I will prove it, over and over again how special you all are to me.

That was the first page, the second page said:

You may think it's stupid, you may say I'm selfless, I'm not selfless Catnap, I'm just being myself, the way I want to be as a leader, and as a friend. You all may find it weird, you all may find it selfish that I would risk my own life for you all, but it's not, I know you guys would do the same, but only in the right circumstances. You guys don't have to do that, I'll do it for you, always.

After Bubba read it Catnap's rage was back, but he calmed himself down, and looked at his friends. All their faces were upset, and they seemed frightened and shocked. "So... all those times you've joked about it... it wasn't always a joke, it's a reality for Dogday" Hoppy said with a paw on their chest. "Dogday really would take a bullet for us... and sacrifice himself to save us... b-but why?" Bubba said as he hugged Craftycorn who went over and gave him a hug crying a bit on his shoulder. "Is Dogday.. he's not wired, or trained to be that way as a leader, it's what he chooses?" asked Bobby who sniffled a bit. Craftycorn and Bubba both beckon her over to join their hug and she does without hesitation. Catnap watches all his friends looking heartbroken knowing their leader and friend would really throw his life into danger for them all. "It's not fair..." he spoke in a quiet voice.

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