Chapter 241

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Picky Piggy smiles as Frowny Fox holds open the door for her as she walks outside he closes it behind him. "So who are we going to ask first?" asked Frowny as he looked toward Picky. "I'm thinking we can find Hoppy and Kickin and ask them first" she said as she smiled at Frowny who nodded his head in agreement. "Umm... do you know where they are?" Frowny asks after a while of searching the Playcare for the chicken and rabbit but having no luck in finding either. "Not really, we can try uh.. Dogday next I think" she said as her smile faltered a bit, but Frowny still nods along and follows her towards Dogday's house. "I hope he won't be mad at us.." Frowny said as he saw both Shade and Small Frown looking out the window towards him, he sends them both a wave gaining a wave from both as they seemed to disappear into the house and come back with Dogday. "Oh, wait he's home?!" Picky was surprised as she thought she saw him walking towards the Home Sweet Home earlier. Dogday opens the door and greets them with a yawn. "Ohh.. did you wake up from a nap?" Picky asked sheepishly looking at the dog who was rubbing his right eye with a paw. "Yeah... but it's fine, what's up?" Dogday said as he leans against the door frame looking at Picky and Frowny, the two seem to have lost their voices for a second, but Frowny finds his "oh, um.. we were wondering if you wanted to join us for a party, at Picky's house" he said as he elbows Picky who also finds her voice again "yeah, I made bacon wrapped steak for you~" she said in a sing-song voice. Dogday's ears perked with excitement as his paws started to flap, but he hid them behind his back. "I.. I would love to, I will ask Sharp Charm, and Bitty Kitty if they want to come as well" he said smiling toward his two friends as they nod their heads and wait patiently for Dogday to return.

Dogday closes the door on Frowny and Picky and goes upstairs to tell Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm that they were invited to a party at Picky's house, he knew they would be excited. "Hey you two" he spoke quietly as he walked into Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm's shared room. "We were invited to go to Picky's house for a party, you guys want to go?" as he asks this he swear he sees literal stars light up both of their eyes. "Please!" they both say as Dogday chuckles and walks downstairs opening the door again as Picky and Frowny are still there standing. "Umm.. you two didn't have to stay there, but either way we will be there, and we are being Shade and Small Frown" Dogday said this and saw Frowny Fox smile a bit. "Thank you" he says as he and Picky wave goodbye and go towards their other friends to ask if they want to come to the party.

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