Chapter 261

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Catnap followed Jax through the vent and down the shaft that Jax was always dragged down by the prototype before he was turned. "I need to finish something up really quick, please stay hidden" Jax warned Catnap as they landed on the dirt floor. "make sure to keep your paws concealed" Jax reminded Catnap as he tried to brush away Catnap's paw prints that he left in the dirt. Catnap noticed this, and immediately began to brush his tail over the ground smoothing it all out and leaving no paw prints behind. Jax smiled up at Catnap as they walked together down the long tunnel towards a small lit room. "quickly hide, don't come out until I say" Jax watched Catnap scamper behind some rubble, and he nods as he continues to walk ahead, soon meeting up with Killy Willy. They both nod at each other as they wait for the prototype to begin speaking, or rather mimicking.

The CEO brought Daisy and Cat Bee to his office, and shut the door behind them. The Dogday suits were still on the ground disgusting both toys as they both have the empty suit a look and then proceeded to look towards the CEO as he began speaking. "Alright you two, so as you know, we have cardboard cutouts now, cardboard cutouts of every one of the characters and toys we've made here at the factory" he explains as Daisy nods and Cat Bee just looks at him clearly bored. "I've made cutouts for the both of you, and I wanted your expertise to help create your voice lines, no scripts required" as he said this he saw a spark of interest from both toys in front of him as they smiled and their eyes widened in anticipation. "So we can say anything?" Cat Bee asks clearly excited about helping, and having her own cutout with her voice present for all to enjoy. Daisy seemed excited too, but she just smiled and shook her leaves a bit. The CEO noticed this movement and frowned. "Don't start that Daisy, you know the leader of the Smiling Critters did that, and he's now... in a better place, but very much suffering for being a distraction for others" as the CEO shouts towards Daisy she puts her leaves behind her head as the CEO rolls his eyes and continues "yes you can say anything, as long as it's appropriate for everyone who enters the factory" he smiled a bit to sell the act of being their friend. "Now which one of you wants to go first?" he asks as both toys explode into an argument about who went first because of popularity amongst the people. The CEO just watched the argument from behind his desk and found it quite amusing.

Catnap watched as a small being came out of some rubble, it dragged itself towards Killy Willy and Jax "welcome back YOU TwO" the being spoke in a few different voices one sounding like a child so much that it confused Catnap who sat there and listened to the whole conversation and interaction from his hiding place.

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