Chapter 339

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At one point the scientists were almost all finished, but the Dogday prototype came over. As soon as the scientist who did the least work look up at Dogday everything went black for her. The Dogday prototype had snapped her neck. "Keep working" it spoke as the mini critters inside all seemed to be laughing. The scientists continued their work under the strict supervision. "They're going to fail" "they're going to fail" "they're going to fail" the mini critters kept chanting. The scientists were terrified of their own fates as the Dogday prototype walked back to his place, and stood there. "Help us.." the remaining scientists all whisper as they work.

The CEO smirks as he wonders if the Dogday prototype was listening as he should. "Maybe I should check in a few minutes" he decides as he looks at the cameras, he flips through them, and finally finds the fight going on outside his office, Killy Willy is still up fighting off each of the toys, he seems to be winning against them all, even Mommy Longlegs can't seem to tie him up, or even restrain him at all. He smirks knowing he's won.

Killy Willy was apparently very energetic, it seemed every time one of the other toys had attacked him he was ready and more alert. As this confused the others, Hoppy, Bobby, Catnap, and Picky would all try and rush him from behind, and Mommy would stealthily crawl above him, Killy would somehow know that Mommy was up there, he would grab Hoppy, and Bobby and fling them at the ceiling knocking Mommy down, as she fell Killy would step to the side, and just as she's about to hit the ground Killy would kick her away sending her into either a wall or the other toys. "How is he knowing our every move?!" Catnap yells angrily but nobody how. "Hahahaha like I said you all are weak!" he screams as Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy charge him together, but he just grabs the back of their heads and slams their skulls together. He throws them to the side as Catnap jumps onto Killy's back, he tries to twist Killy's neck or go for his eyes, but Killy slams his body into the wall, effectively slamming Catnap and knocking him off his back as he slides down the wall. "Pathetic!" yells Killy as he screeches again. "Killy stop! This isn't you William!" Frowny screams over the chaos. "You know NOTHING!" Killy screams as he charges at Frowny, but Frowny just closes his eyes and waits. As Killy gets closer both Sharp Charm and Bitty Kitty jump out from behind Frowny with fire extinguishers, they both slam the fire extinguishers against the sides of Killy's head causing his to scream out and back away. He shakes off the pain but as he looks towards the three toys Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm start to point the nozzle of the fire extinguishers at him before Killy's view is obscured by white.

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