Chapter 375

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"It is a good guess, plus nobody else seems to know what's going on, besides everything we mostly talked about" said Bubba as he seem to think about what was really going on with Catnap more logically. "So... how would we help him if the plan doesn't work?" said Crafty looking towards her boyfriend. "I'm not sure, we will have to see if we can help him, and not lose him to Killy Willy" Bubba said as he looked towards Dogday who nodded. "Okay... it's almost day cycle in a few more minutes" said Crafty looking at the clock and then at the window. "Hopefully this works..." said Craftycorn with a frown.

Catnap was laughing as Killy Willy was telling him about the Huggy Wuggy's memories that he saw beforehand. "The idiot fell because of the kid, the kid knew he wasn't supposed to be there, it's so dumb" he snickers as Catnap laughs some more "kids are so dumb" he said but quickly covered his mouth. "What am I saying?! I work at a Playcare, I can't be saying that about kids, especially since I have to go to the school in a few minutes to teach the class, and help Miss Deli-" Killy Willy put a claw up to the cat's mouth shushing him "shhh... you don't have to go there Catnap, it's obvious you don't want to go there, correct?" Killy asked as his claw was removed and he saw Catnap frown. "I mean... as much as I dislike how noisy the kids are, they're just kids... they don't know any better" he tried to explain but Killy just laughs. "That's not what Jax said" at the mention of Jax, and remembering the fate of the plushie, and the torture he had endured for however long it took for him to gain his teeth, and such. "What did Jax tell you?" Catnap asked as Killy Willy just sighs and looked out the window "Jax had talked to me about his encounter with terrible children, the children tore him in half and threw him in the water with no remorse" Catnap listens and slowly nods. "He spent a long time in that water, even as it for chlorinated, and that caused him to gain speech, but also listen to the kids above speaking, he listened to them and learned to speak like them, he understood English, and even as a young plushie he too had memories... but they were memories from someone older, someone much much older" as Killy said this Catnap was a bit surprised, but not too surprised. "Makes sense, but how did he tell you this, and not anyone else?" Catnap asked a bit skeptical. "He was forced to tell the prototype and myself, he was forced to tell both of us everything, the memories and pain we went through, the feelings we experienced, the intensity of which we were killed in the previous lives that we both had to witness the first time the prototype had talked to us about it all" as Killy said this Catnap looked intrigued.

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