Chapter 271

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Moonlight yowls as they're thrown into a bag. The CEO smirks as he makes his way downstairs, and just as he opens the door he's face to face with Catnap and a few plushies. His eyes widen as Catnap hisses at him just as he's about to push past the CEO he hears Moonlight's yowls for help. Catnap froze for a split second and as he turns around he sees the CEO push past the plushies, dodge Mommy, and make his way towards the exit, Catnap gave chase as he dodged the chaos around him. "Give me back Moonlight!" he shouted as Mommy also joined him in the chase. "You Smiling Critters will pay for trying to ban me from what I worked so hard to achieve!" the CEO shouts as he runs quickly, dodging, ducking, and avoiding everything Catnap, and Mommy either threw at him, or when they tried to grab him. "Moonlight!" Catnap shouts before the CEO slams the door onto his face. "NO!" Catnap pounds on the CEO's door as Mommy tries to break it down. "No no no no NO! This can't be happening he's already killed off Sunshine, I can't lose Moonlight, I'll be completely alone... Sunshine, and Dogday... now Moonlight?!" Catnap's in a full panic as he paces back and forth in front of the CEO's door. "Mommy please help.. I need help, I- I can't be alone again.." he said as he fell onto his paws and knees tears pouring down his eyes as he imagines the CEO killing off and torturing Moonlight. Mommy didn't know what to think about the situation, she just got angry and tried to pound the door open again. "OPEN THIS DOOR CEO!!" she screams. Catnap curls up into a sad little loaf as he continues to cry thinking he's just lost his last friend who understood him most. 'Nobody else really understands me... it was always Dogday, or Moonlight, or Sunshine.. or... Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm?!' Catnap Sprang to his hind paws again "Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm are still asleep in Dogday's house, we have to save them!" he explains but Mommy stops him. "We can't save Moonlight right now, but we can get the rest of the Smiling Critters up, and tell them all what's going on" she said determined as they both ran back down to the Playcare. "I'm sorry Moonlight.. I failed you" Catnap said in a sad voice as he leads Mommy to the Playcare again. As they enter the Playcare though it's gotten silent. The guards were all asleep, the windows to everyone's houses were smashed open releasing poppy gas into the open area causing the guards you had gotten their masks stole in the fight to pass out from either the nightmares or because they seen something that scarred them. "Oh no... we have to redirect the gas NOW!" he shouts as he makes his way further into the Playcare, he watched as Bubba's led out of the Playcare by a few Bubba plushies. "Good job guys" Catnap congratulates as he passes everyone to make his way downstairs and get the battery plugged in before he starts to run towards the school. "Where are you going?" asks Mommy but Catnap says "no time to explain right now, get the bigger body versions of our friends out of here" was all he said before he disappeared into the school.

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