Chapter 280

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The two crawl in the vent for a while before they reach their destination. Poppy was shocked to see Kissy Missy looking so upset, and so weak. "What has he done to her..?" Poppy asks but Jax just keeps a straight face towards the cell. "There's cameras hidden on the walls, we can't go inside right now, we need a plan to get her and Huggy out without triggering the cameras and alarms" Jax told Poppy as she nods determined to save her best friend. The two crawl a bit further in the vent towards Huggy's cell they're hearts sunk as they looked at Huggy, his left arm was torn off, he had lost his left eye, his mouth was busted open to reveal his sharp teeth... sharp monstrous teeth. "What.. what happened to him?" asked Poppy with tears in her eyes. "Don't cry... we will find out who did this, and make them pay" said Jax not taking his eyes off of Huggy. "What's the plan?" asked Poppy as she looks towards Jax. "I got one, but you may not like it..." Jax began on his plan watching Poppy's expression change to shock within seconds of hearing the words "break in" "burn" "incinerator" Poppy didn't like the plan but she had no other choice but to follow Jax as his plan made sense, and she had no other options.

Mommy Longlegs had charged directly at Home Sweet Home with determination to get the kids, and make sure they're all safe, away from the nightmares they're obviously facing alone. She got to the door and hesitated for a moment, steeling her nerves she knew she had to do this, for the children. As she opened the door though the sounds of screaming and crying came at her full force. The sounds of crying children, the screams of terror, the sounds were able to break any parent's heart as they would hear hundreds of children crying out for help, crying and begging for their mothers and fathers... mothers and fathers they will never get a chance to meet, or even understand what it is their calling out to. 'They'll never get the help, the love, the care they deserve..' Mommy thought as her heart broke into millions of pieces. 'Please... let them go, please let them understand what love truly is, let these children live a happy life with a family they deserve most..' Mommy had tears in her eyes as she went inside the house. She had rushed into the place looking at the children, they weren't even in their beds, they were on the floor shaking, crying, shivering, screaming, whining, begging, and throwing their toys around. Her heart breaks as she knows the children are going to fear her since they'll see her in a nightmare state, their minds will play tricks on them as they'll see her as something they fear, as long as they're in the poppy gas, its the only influence on them, and their minds.

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