Chapter 356

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"You shouldn't say fix, especially to Dogday" said Hoppy as they glared at Catnap. "Why though it's just a simple word... right?" as Catnap looked at his friend's angry faces it was obvious he had said something wrong, he just didn't understand what. "Whatever, it's not like it matters anyways, he's gone upstairs, we should all just go to sleep or something" Catnap suggested as everyone looked at each other. "Maybe... we should just try and sleep" suggests Hoppy as the others agreed. Catnap sighed but also agreed as he slept on the couch, alone. The other critters fell asleep on the ground, but they weren't asleep, they were waiting until Catnap fell asleep.

Dogday walked upstairs, he headed for his bedroom, but decided to check up on Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm first. He opened their door and peaked inside their room, he was a bit surprised to see them awake, and looking at a photo album. He was confused how they got it, but shrugged it off as he made his way inside their room. "Hey dad" Bitty Kitty said as Dogday waved towards the two with a smile, he sat down near them and they each crawled over and sat on both sides. They put the photo album on his lap with a smile and they leaned on his arms. He tilts his head and opens the album. Pictures of him and his friends flooding each page. He smiles as he remembers each of the days the pictures happened the first picture was a picnic, everyone was there, even Catnap sitting in a tree. The next picture was of Catnap accidentally knocking a beehive down and all the critters were running away as the bees swarmed them, that's when they discovered Bubba had a bee allergy. Dogday smiled fondly at the memory and continued to flip through the pages, Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm both had large smiles on their faces as they watched Dogday's expression and misty eyes. They both brought him into a hug and smiled as he wraps his arms around them and hugs them close. "We found that on your bookshelf, and we were wondering about all the memories" Bitty Kitty said as Dogday smiles and walks over to the bookshelf, he then returns back with another album. It had a picture of Dogday and Catnap together, both seemed to be laughing into the camera, and their friends all behind them making silly expressions. "We didn't get to that one yet" Sharp Charm said as Dogday nods and opens the photo album the first picture that greeted them was a small one loosely tucked between the pages, it fell into Dogday's lap, and Dogday held it as he flipped to the first picture presented to them. It was a picture of Bubba sitting on a hammock with dark blue sunglasses and a cup of lemonade, Hoppy and Kickin were in the background playing football. Dogday smiled and flipped to the next page with a picture of him and Picky, they seemed to be baking a cake, but it didn't go well as they both became a bit too much since Picky threw a glob of cake batter at Dogday, it ended in a messy cake batter fight, and the cake was never even baked as they used all the batter to throw at each other. The expressions on their faces and the globs of cake in their fur was all that they needed to make the picture special to them.

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