Chapter 265

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The security forces multiplied out of nowhere, more guards were called in as they knew the threat in front them. "Get Catnap, bring him to the CEO alive" one of the guards shouted above the others as they all nod their heads and start to charge Catnap and Mommy. The two charge at the guards leaving Moonlight and the Frowny Fox plushies to go their own way. Moonlight turned towards the foxes and gave them a determined look as the foxes all understood the plan. They ran over to the first house, and crawled their way inside the house of Bubba Bubbaphant. "Okay, we all heard Catnap's plan, we got this, together we will make the CEO pay, and free our friends from their sleep induced comas" Moonlight spoke up as they entered the vent. "Okay, let's go guys, we got this" Shade said following after Moonlight Gloom and Small Frown joined after a few minutes of getting their own thoughts and feelings about this entire situation together, they were all prepared to fight for their friends and family. "Okay, this is Bubba's beach house, we need to find his bedroom, right now it seems this vent led to his kitchen, we need to go up a level to his bedroom where I'm sure he's asleep, but he's also going to have some type of guards watching over him, with those stupid gas masks, of course the gas masks don't stop the gas from entering fully they will be taking shifts most likely, so I'm going to assume at least. We can try and figure out when they swap shifts and find a way to wake up Bubba... the gas masks..! I got a plan!" Moonlight smiled as they made their way up the vent towards Bubba's room. As predicted there was a guard watching over him making Moonlight smirk.

"Let's do this guys" Moonlight spoke towards the foxes as he opened the vent and got the guard's attention while doing so. "Hey, you're not supposed to be in here!" the guard ran towards the plushies, but they all scattered around the room causing the guard to chase them around. That is until Moonlight had pounced on the human's masked face causing them to scream and try to pry the plushie off, but by doing so they hadn't noticed the plushie had grabbed onto the mask, as the human pried the plushie off, and threw them away they panicked as the now saw the plushie smirking towards them with the gas mask in its paws. "You little-!" the guard was about to attack the plushie but screamed and backed away into a corner cowering there as the plushie got closer to them, the human looked terrified, as much as it broke Moonlight's heart to see a human fear them, it didn't matter, this human was evil in his eyes, and he would make it known. He crawled over to the human, and let out a small roar, turned out more of a meow, but the guard had fainted from shock or terror as the blood drained from their face, their eyes closed and they hit their head onto the wall with a thud.

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