Chapter 314

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"Am I a bad friend?" Catnap asks as the other Smiling Critters look at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" asked Kickin Chicken looking towards Catnap with a slightly annoyed expression. "Well... it's my fault Dogday is gone..." as he said this Bobby came over a slapped him across the face. "Shut up Catnap, you're not to blame at all for what happened to Dogday" she said as Catnap rubbed his cheek surprised that she even hit him, Bobby isn't normally the violent type, but she had proven Catnap wrong just by slapping him across the face, and Catnap knew if he didn't have fur covering his face there would most likely be a hand print where Bobby Bearhug had slapped him. "Ow..." was all he said as Bobby glared at him with her arms on her hips. "Are you stupid Catnap?!" she screams at him. "Wha..?" he is confused what she meant by that. "Are you stupid?" she repeats as Catnap shakes his head. "I'm not stupid... I just feel like it's my fault Dogday is dead, and now he's here, but his insides.. OUR insides..." Catnap stares at the floor as tears fall into the white marble. "Don't worry... we'll find a way, I promise" Bobby said as she hugged Catnap. "We're here for you" she smiles as Catnap clings to her like a lifeline. "This isn't fair... why did he have to be taken, it should've been me" Bobby was angry when Catnap said that she grips his shoulders tightly and looks him directly in the eyes. "Catnap, nobody deserved that fate, especially from the prototype, and the CEO" as Bobby said this Catnap looked at her suspiciously. "How did you know the CEO and the prototype did this?" Catnap asks with a glare, but Bobby just rolls her eyes. "Jax had warned all of us what happened, you weren't the only one when we all were woken up, and you left to find Dogday's body, Jax had informed everyone what happened in the CEO's office" as Bobby said this Catnap felt like crying again. "The CEO and... the prototype killed Dogday together.." Catnap said in a low voice as Bobby nods her head and gently hugs him. "We will find a way to make this better, I promise" she said as she tightened her hug. Catnap sniffled as he held onto Bobby, he had cried enough for one day, but the more he looked at the lifeless figure of his best friend, but more it hurt him. "I don't like this Bobby..." he whispers as Bobby just tightens her hug. "I know you don't like this, none of us do, I think we weren't meant to see this-" "you weren't" both Bobby and Catnap both jump as they see the CEO standing at the door. He looked furious at Catnap, but remained a calm expression. "You weren't meant to see that" he said again as the Smiling Critters all looked at the CEO surprised to see him.

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