Chapter 366

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"I'll go with Catnap, you critters go check on Dogday" Killy said as he ran out to find Catnap. The Smiling Critters were a bit hesitant but they decided to check up on Dogday. "I hope he's okay..." said Bobby as they went towards Dogday's room. They could hear him crying from the other side of the door, and they all looked at each other in worry. "We got to check on him" Kickin reminds everyone as they nod and go inside the room to see Dogday on his bed sobbing into his pillow. "Oh Dogday..." said Bobby as she goes over to comfort the poor pup.

Catnap walks out of the Playcare and storms down the hallway. "Stupid.. stupid.. stupid" he kept mumbling under his breath as he walks further and further away from the place he called him home for the longest time. His ears twitches and he looks back to see Killy running at him "Catnap wait!" he yells and reaches the feline as Catnap just glared at the monster in front of him."what do you want?" he asks with a hiss. "Your friends... they didn't seem to take your side, it seems they didn't even try to help defend you when you had gotten them to agree to helping Dogday understand himself and his limits" as Killy said this Catnap had to wonder "how did you notice?" Catnap asks as Killy chuckles "I know when others are being fake friends towards others, they isolate you, and look where you are now" Killy had a point as Catnap did notice that he was isolated, he isolated himself from the other critters just now. "Look, Killy you should just... you shouldn't be here..." as Catnap said this Killy laughed "I'm not leaving you alone, unlike those fake friends that you have, I'm a real friend" as Killy said this Catnap was confused and looked over to him again. "You're just saying that... you tried to attack all of us, and you'll probably do it again and again" he spoke as Killy just looked at him with a dead pan expression. "Catnap listen... you know Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy correct?"Killy said as Catnap nods "and you know of all the extra suits the CEO has of each of you, correct?" as Killy said this Catnap was a bit nervous but still he nods. "What if I told you that I'm Huggy Wuggy?" as he asks this Catnap raises a brow at him "what.." he asked in disbelief. "It's true, I'm Huggy Wuggy, but the Huggy Wuggy you all know is simply a concept that the CEO created in the long run to help the factory stay open, there was a terrible accident that happened to me before, I was accidentally walking around when I wasn't supposed to be, and since I have long legs, it's easy for me to lose balance on smaller surfaces, and well... let's just say I slipped over a railing and fell all the way down to the ground, and as I landed and smacked my head-" "woah Woah Woah!" Catnap said confused "that makes no sense William, you were still a kid back in the orphanage a few days ago, this couldn't have happened" Catnap said as he looked at Killy a bit confused and skeptical. "I'll explain that..." Killy said.

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