Chapter 242

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"Okay so we got Dogday, Bitty Kitty, Sharp Charm, and your two plushies Small Frown and Shade coming, who next?" Picky asks as Frowny Fox thinks for a moment "Catnap, if Dogday's at the party, you know Catnap wouldn't turn it down knowing his favorite puppy is there to party with" Frowny said making Picky smirk "I like that idea, let's go" Picky takes the lead as she drags Frowny with her towards Catnap's house.

Catnap was reading a story in his bed with Moonlight and Gloom curled around him. He purrs gently as Moonlight and Gloom both enjoy the purring, Moonlight purring in return. Gloom just cuddles close to both of the cats and sleeping peacefully, that is until the doorbell rang. All three looked toward the door and looked at each other in confusion. Catnap got up, and walked over opening it with a smile as he sees his friends. "Hey you two, what brings you here?" he asks as Picky and Frowny look at Catnap with big smiles. "We are inviting you to a party at my place and we are inviting everyone, Dogday's going to be there with Bitty Kitty, Sharp Charm, Small Frown, and Shade, and we are wondering if you want to join us and bring Moonlight and Gloom" Picky said with a smile towards the purple feline. "I'll be there and sure, I'll bring Gloom and Moonlight" as he said with a straight face, as he spoke Picky and Frowny both caught sight of Dogday leaving his house and running off to the Playhouse with Small Frown and Shade.

Dogday had run to the Playhouse quickly followed by Shade and Small Frown. He wasn't sure why, but Jax made it obvious that he was needed at the pool.

Catnap looked towards Picky and Frowny. "Um.. if Dogday will be there I will too, but you better promise that he will, especially if he's going where I think he's going" he spoke in a low voice to the two as they nodded and turned away from Catnap as he closed the door, but not before Gloom came over to get a hug from Frowny. "So where to now?" Frowny Fox asked Picky Piggy as they made their way to Bobby's place. "The window is fixed" Picky said under the breath as Frowny just looked at the window tilting his head in confusion. "Long story.. you missed a lot" Picky smiles as she knocks on the door. They hear a quiet "coming" from the other side as Bobby opens the door with a smile. "Hey you guys, how's everything?" she asked as she sees Frowny and Picky. "Good, we were wondering if you wanted to join us for a party at my place, there will be a lot of food, but I made everyone's favorites" Picky said as Bobby's eyes lit up. "Oh definitely I'm coming!" she said giggling. "Good, we will see you later, but first.. have you seen Crafty or Bubba?" Picky asks before they left and Bobby told them...

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