Chapter 291

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Flashback continues

As Theo expected to be hit and beaten by the bullies he waited a few minutes before opening his eyes and seeing The Smiling Critters behind the bullies. Dogday, Bobby Besrhug, Hoppy Hopscotch, Kickin Chicken, Picky Piggy, Bubba Bubbaphant, and Craftycorn all there defending Theodore. "You kids should know better than to try and hurt a friend of The Smiling Critters" Dogday spoke out, but the bullies looked ready to cry. "We-We're friends of his" one tried to say, but as soon as he turned to talk to Theo, Theo had flinched. "Friends shouldn't flinch around each other like that.." said Dogday as he stares down at the bullies. "We.. uhh.." the bullies keep trying to make excuses but nothing works. Bobby Bearhug and Craftycorn take Theo away as Dogday, and the others deal with the bullies. "Are you okay Theodore?" asks Craftycorn, and Theo stays silent. "Why.. save me?" he asks after a moment. "Because it's what friends do" said Bobby Bearhug as she smiles at Theo. Theo didn't really believe her, but he knew that he could trust the critters.. at least he hoped. Theo looked back as his bullies were being taken to the principal's office, and he smiles. "How do you all know my name..?" he asks as Crafty and Bobby look at each other. "We know everyone's names" said Dogday as he walks over with a smile, it made Theo jump a bit. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you" he said with an apologetic laugh. "It's fine" Theo said looking towards everyone else at recess having fun. "You.. you haven't got any friends here Theo?" Bobby asks after a while and Theo just shakes his head. "Hmm... we can fix that" they all say and walk towards the other kids. By the end of recess Theo was more then happy with himself and all his new friends. At the last class of the day though.. everything went downhill.

Theo walked into class, and one of the students had shown him the newest plushie made for the Smiling Critters, the Catnap plushie. The kid shown how it worked to Theo, and as it sprayed Theo in the face, he laughed it off, but as he sat in class waiting for the Smiling Critters, he saw them come in and his heart had stopped. The Smiling Critters didn't look like their normal selves at all... they were boney, they had wide open mouths, they were lanky, and there were signs of trouble as Theo saw a few human-like handprints near their mouths, and protruding from their stomachs. Theo was the only one to see these changes however, and he didn't understand why. He screamed at the Smiling Critters. "MONSTERS!" was all that was heard in the classroom as he ran away from the "monsters" the Smiling Critters chased after him, not knowing about the affects of what he was seeing. Theo kept running away and avoiding them as much as possible. Until Dogday's monstrous figure grabbed him, and he screamed so loudly for help.

End of Flahsback

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