Chapter 355

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As Catnap walked back into the living room everyone seemed to be enjoying the game now, and even the snacks as he brought over the cookies. He felt a bit angry at Dogday though after he read the notes in the kitchen he understood that it wasn't a joke anymore, Dogday would actually take a bullet for them, and sacrifice his own life for them. He sits down between Dogday and Craftycorn this time. Craftycorn looked a bit annoyed that he chose to get between the two, but she scooted over to Bubba. "So, what's everyone's opinions Killy Willy being here?" asked Bobby as she was standing at the window looking towards the monster who was looking back through the shadows. "He's a bit... creepy and unsettling" said Hoppy "true, but like Dogday tells us we should give him a chance" Kickin Chicken says looking at Dogday who smiles and nods at him approvingly causing Kickin to smile at the validation. "Then.. does that mean we should try to make friends with him tomorrow?" asked Frowny Fox who kept losing his cookies to Shade and Gloom, Small Frown just watched. Dogday nodded, and Catnap rolled his eyes "maybe I could convince him to talk to the CEO, and get you a voice box" he commented under his breath but everyone heard it as they look at him. "What?" he questioned as the others just look at him confused and a bit worried. Dogday kept shaking his head, but Catnap ignored his protest. "Well, Dogday needs his voice box he can't be mute the whole time, right Dogday?" he looks at Dogday with a smile that told him "you better listen" as he did Dogday scoots back a bit further on the couch and covers up with an orange blanket. "I think you scared him Catnap" said Bobby as she goes over and tries to comfort Dogday. "Well, I'll do it tomorrow, and I don't care if Dogday is scared, at least I didn't poison him!" as Catnap says this Crafty gasps and looks at him hurt. "I apologized to him, and he accepted my apology, you haven't even apologized" she said a bit angry. "So what? I don't need to, I just want him to have a voice box again and I'll do it myself if I have to!" as Catnap said this Dogday threw off the blanket and looked at him glaring. "Uh.. oh..." said Bubba as he and his other friends started to back away a bit. "Yeah, you're a mute Dogday, I get it, but I want to help fix you..!" as Catnap said this he noticed Dogday freeze with his tail between his legs. "What..?" Catnap didn't understand what he said that was wrong until he saw Dogday walk past him and go upstairs with his tail between his legs still. "Umm... what happened?" as he asked this his other friends looked at him pissed. "You did not just say that to him Catnap?!" Hoppy yells causing Catnap to flinch a bit.

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