Chapter 268

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As Jax crawled through the vent he knew he would need some help as waking up two critters alone would be difficult on his own. He turned around, and quickly started to crawl towards an exit that led to the playhouse. "Those were only a few of the plushies.. I hadn't seen a Dogday plushie out there though, I wonder..." he spoke to himself as he crawled out of the vent and landed on the plush ground. Since he didn't have his back legs he was normally crawling everywhere, but not uphill. He growls determined to find where all the Dogday plushies were hiding out. "It's not like them to hide.. unless something spooked them badly enough for them to fear for their own lives and safety" Jax as a plushie knew the dangers his fellow plushies were constantly under as they had to deal with children running around the playhouse, them having to act like real plushies for their own safety as they all knew the CEO would have their heads if they broke character. "Dogday plushies... where are you guys?" he kept up the search for a good half hour, knowing that time was wasting he eventually howled out in frustration. That howl seemed to have clicked because before he knew it there were Dogday plushies coming out of hiding and surrounding him from higher elevations. Jax looked up at all the Dogday plushies as they all came to him and looked ready to help him battle those who had tried to hurt them in the past. "Come with me my brothers, and we will get out revenge on those who have hurt us" he held out his stub of a paw towards one of the Dogday plushies, it was hesitant for a bit, but eventually it growled and shook Jax' paw sealing their deal of revenge on those who hurt them, those who hurt Jax.

Jax led the Dogdays through the vent to the bigger body Dogday's house where Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm were both asleep, and being watched over by three guards. Jax narrowed his eyes as he seen the guards seemly not caring for the critters own safety as Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm seemed to be tied down on their beds. "These people don't care about any of us... they only treated the critters nicely to make sure they were on their good side" one of the Dogday plushies spoke in a Russian accent that surprised Jax. "Obviously they never cared about us, they would've helped Jax long ago, I still remember seeing Jax get torn apart by those kids, and thrown into the water" one of the Dogday plushies who Jax remembered spoke up. "Well, what are we waiting for, we should start to move before those guards hear or see us coming" one of the Dogday plushies piped up in a British accent. "I- err right, we should start to work on a plan though, like the plan I have started..." Jax started to go over his plan as the other Dogday plushies all nodded along and smirked, tails wagging excitedly ready for the plan to go into action.

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