Chapter 282

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"Don't worry Mommy, I'm here to help you get the kids out of here and to safety before I redirect the gas" Catnap says as he looks at Mommy with a small reassuring smile as she smiles back at him, grateful for him being there to help her. "Thank you Catnap" she said as they both walk down the hallway getting closer to the screams and crying. Both take a minute to mentally prepare themselves for this, it won't be easy as the kids would see them as monsters from the gas, and most likely try and avoid them, but Catnap was not going to allow the kids to be hurt by the gas, not on his watch. Mommy felt better knowing she had a trusted friend with her to help with the children, even though she was going to have a very hard time with this, especially when she hears some of the younger kids calling out for mommy, the mommy she knew wasn't her. "Ready?" ask Catnap who had his paw on the doorknob waiting for Mommy to be ready before he opened the door to the traumatized children inside. "I'm.. I'm ready" she said as Catnap nods and opens the door slowly, the screaming and crying increases in volume and the two walk into the room.

As Miss Delight and her sisters are waiting further down the hall for all the chaos to go down, they end up watching over everyone who is prone to panicking in their sleep and about to hurt themselves from their nightmares. Bitty Kitty woke up as she felt Jax underneath her start to cry and mumble in his sleep about 'it hurts... stop.. broken' it made no sense to Bitty Kitty but she still held Sharp Charm as he shook violently in his sleep, from crying or the nightmare, Bitty Kitty was unsure which one, but she guessed it was a mix of both. She frowns as she tried to wake him, but nothing seemed to work, even the Dogday plushie had stopped and lay next to them instead feeling really bad for not being able to wake him up, but Bitty Kitty wasn't allowing the plushie to be upset, it didn't deserve to feel bad for something it couldn't help, at least it helped when it was needed most. Bitty Kitty picked up the Dogday plushie and gave it a gentle kiss on its forehead. The Dogday plushie looked up at Bitty Kitty whimpering, but she just smiled and kissed the Dogday's plushie's forehead again. "It's okay, you tried your best, thank you for your efforts" she told the plushie as it stares up at her before it curls up in her paws, she just holds the plushie close and smiles closing her eyes trying to relax. She was petting both the Dogday plushie's head and Sharp Charm's head trying to calm them both down, and make sure they were okay. "Nothing bad will happen, we are safe here, it's okay" she spoke in a low voice looking around at everyone else who seemed to have given up on the situation and were either forcing themselves awake or sleeping either having nightmares or good dreams.

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