Chapter 274

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Jax was holding one of the security guards hostage above the pool, the pool was drained of all water. 'Uh oh..' thought Catnap.

Mommy looked at Miss Delight with a question on her mind, but decided against asking. "You okay?" Miss Delight was looking up at Mommy which caught her off guard. "Do you know where the children are?" as Mommy asks this Miss Delight's eyes widen. "They still inside Home Sweet Home!" she panics as Mommy's eyes widen. "Miss Delight, don't worry, I'm sure we can save them, we just need to wait for Catnap to redirect the gas" said Frowny Fox as he cuddled his three plushies. "Or.. I can go in and save them, since I'm immune to the gas" Mommy said making everyone look at her in shock. "What?" she asks as the others are quiet for a good minute "you're immune to it.. how?" asks Bubba as he looks at her intrigued. "Well, I'm not sure, but Catnap had sprayed me in the face with the gas and I wasn't affected, I don't feel sleepy, I didn't laugh, I didn't have any affects from it" as she said this those who were awake all mumble about how lucky she is, and how she can save the kids. Mommy sighed and got up from her place near Frowny Fox and Bubba. "I'll go save the kids, you all can stay here, and make sure Catnap comes back" she said as she crawls into the Playcare again.

Catnap looked up at Jax confused how he set all this up, but then again he's probably had this planned for however long he was thrown into the pool, and wanted revenge. "Jax, what's going on?" he yelled up to Jax who was crawling down the rope towards the human who was tied upside down, Jax looked over at Catnap surprised that he was there but decided to explain himself a bit before he got judged for his actions. "Catnap, glad you're here, but also this isn't your place to be" as Jax spoke the human seemed to panic even more than usual since Catnap guessed the human had no idea the plushie could speak. "Don't worry human... you'll be forgiven, as soon as your head hits the ground" Jax smiled like a madman. Catnap was confused why he was doing this though "Jax what did this human do to deserve this?" he asks as Jax looks towards him. "He's done more harm than good" was all he said before he continued to crawl down the rope before he landed on the man's head. The man saw the plushie of Dogday come into view and stare into his eyes. The Dogday plushie in front of the man smiled showing off all his metal jagged teeth only forcing the man to panic even more as he tried to escape his captives. Jax laughed in the man's face "don't worry.. you'll be done soon Micheal, but before I let you go, want to know why I'm doing this?" as he asks the human the human slowly nods wanting to know what exactly he did to anger these plushies. "Well..." began Jax.

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