Chapter 284

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Jax ran towards the guards as they entered the room with gas masks and grab packs. "You guys really think a grab pack's going to hurt me?" Jax speaks up as the guards start to slowly back away from the shock knowing a plushie just talked to them. They snapped back to their senses and charged inside, but as they did they watched Jax pull out the molotov and throw it directly at the guards, since they weren't in any fire proof suits they caught fire pretty quickly. Jax smiled like a madman as he watched two guards catch fire and start to run out of the room, it brought him back to the day his own siblings were set ablaze and had forced themselves to jump into the water, thus ending themselves along with the fire that burnt their bodies. Jax had no fear of humans, and he would gladly kill them all if he could, but he knew the prototype wouldn't allow it, still though, he was allowed to have his moments here and there. He laughed as those guards all panicked, and after a good while a cell door goes flying against the wall. He looks over and sees Kissy Missy coming out, teeth bared, and a hungry look in her eyes. "Glad you could join, would you like the honors?" Jax asked politely as he slowly backed up and let Kissy have her own moment. Jax smiled as he watched Kissy going through each of the guard's suits, tearing them to shreds, and slowly turning towards the guards who stood there without any suits on. "Help.." one said as Kissy lunged at her. Poppy said nothing as she heard the sounds of her best friend and her friend as they attacked mercilessly the screams of the guards as they tried to run, only to have their skulls crushed, and damaged rib cages puncturing lungs. She covered her ears as she heard the screams turning into gurgles as she can only assume the humans are choking on their own blood as Kissy and Jax team up to make sure all the humans are down. Just as the guards are down Kissy and Jax take a breather, but before they can get to Huggy a bullet flies right into view of Kissy. Kissy and Jax both turn to see one scientist at the door with a real gun, aiming at the Kissy Missy. "Back in your cell, or else" the scientist said trying to act tough, but the stuttering and the shaking in their voice gave away that they were terrified of the situation they were in. "Please..." they begged as Kissy and Jax both looked at each other and back at the human with the gun. "Put the gun dow-" Jax tried to get the human to peacefully surrender, but the human was too scared to listen, too worried about their own life. The human had the gun pointed towards Jax and as he tried to calm the human down, something spooked the human, making them flinch to the point of accidentally pulling the trigger...

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