Chapter 332

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Rich walked to the CEO's office with stride as he was sure he would be okay, but as he got closer to the CEO's office he suddenly felt the atmosphere shift. He seemed to get a chill up his spine as he was suddenly washed over with a sense of dread. Nonetheless he walked into the CEO's office and was greeted with a Dogday suit in his place. He was taken back a bit by the suit, the scent from the suit made him cough a bit. "Hello Rich" the CEO's voice came from the right as Rich looked over to see the CEO looking at the framed portrait of him and his wife. "Shall we begin this meeting?" the CEO asked as he looked back at the man, the doors shutting shut behind Rich sealing his fate.

Mommy went over to the Playcare, and laid the box with the doors down in front of the Playhouse. Some of the mini critters coming out to inspect the package. Mommy just smiles "these are doors for you guys, so you don't have to worry about everyone just walking into your safe place" she mostly said this looking at one of the Dogday plushies hiding a little bit inside the building. "You guys will be safe and covered from everyone who might try and harm you" she said with a smile as the mini critters began to jump and dance around with each other in excitement. The scene made Mommy's heart flutter a bit as she never thought she would see excited and happy plushies around her, they were very cute, and also very hyper. She giggles as some of the plushie Catnaps start to rub their scents on her. "Thank you sweeties but Mommy isn't really a lavender lady" she giggles even as the Catnaps continue.

Catnap walks outside of Dogday's house with Frowny, Bitty Kitty, Sharp Charm, Shade, Gloom, and Small Frown to see Mommy with a bunch of mini critters around her, at first he was confused until he saw the box behind her. Catnap's face lit up "he really did it?" he asks as Mommy nods her head "yep, he's really sweet, but he also was told to go to the CEO's office..." this sentence alone made Catnap on edge. "He what?!" Catnap was scared "oh no.. this is not good, we don't have Jax who can spy on the office and see what's going on, and I doubt Poppy would help me if I told her it was a spying mission" Catnap started to frantically speak, and it all became too fast for Mommy to listen to. She puts her hand over Catnap's mouth and when she removed it she spoke calmly and quietly to him "what about Poppy not doing something?" she asked as that was the only part she understood from Catnap's jumbled words. Catnap took a breath "Rich is in danger if he's alone with the CEO, he probably saw Rich come in here with the security cameras, and now something bad might've happened to him" Catnap explained slowly as Mommy's pupils shrink. "We have to go save him... NOW!" she screams as she and Catnap get everyone together.

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