Chapter 324

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As Rich was going home, he actually felt pretty happy. He got to meet the Catnap, see the Playcare, and he's going to be helping the Smiling Critters for a little bit. He was excited to help the critters, and maybe one day he would be able to also help the orphans. Rich had never liked that place, but he has to admit that the characters are adorable, even if he knows how they're made. When he got home he was almost going to tell his wife, but stopped himself. "Hey, so... I may have gotten a promotion at work today" was all he said.

Catnap and Mommy were so excited to have actually met a nice person here at the factory finally. "So his name is Rich, and he's really nice, but he warned me that the CEO has it out for me, and that I should avoid him at all cost" Catnap explained to Mommy. "Wait, the CEO has it out for you, why?" she asks but Catnap wasn't sure "maybe it's because I took that Dogday suit from him.." he said out loud making Mommy nod "that would make sense, but it annoys me when he says that Dogday is his property" Mommy sounded a bit angry. "I agree, Dogday was his own being, he had his own will and everything, he was able to move and speak as he pleased" Catnap argued and Mommy agreed with him. "It's pathetic that the CEO thinks he owns our lives and what we do" Mommy said as she and Catnap made it back towards the Playcare.

Frowny Fox followed Shade, Small Frown, and Gloom to the incinerator room. "What are we doing here?" he questions his plushies as they turn the incinerator down. Frowny Fox looks into the incinerator and sees Daisy, Cat Bee, and Dogday's top half inside. They aren't that badly damaged mainly just blackened from the ash and soot. Frowny Fox was flabbergasted by it "so this is what he did to them all..." Frowny grabbed Daisy's head, Cat Bee, and Dogday's top half out of the incinerator. He laid them on the ground and checked them over... each one gone. He looks at each of them with tears in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away. "Should we put them in the.. trash chute?" he questioned his plushies who all seem to agree and nod their heads. Frowny Fox nods and picks up Dogday's top half, Daisy's head, and Cat Bee. He walks over to the trash chute on the opposite side of the incinerator room, and he gently placed Dogday's top half on the trash chute before he said his final good byes to the world's best boy. Next he put Cat Bee on the trash chute and wished her the best, and a final good bye, and finally was Daisy's head, he was unable to find anything from her body, probably got burnt, but as he was going to push her down she screamed out in pain scaring him he quickly let go of the handle and Daisy was heard screaming all the way down the chute. "NO!" Frowny shouts as Gloom, Shade, and Small Frown all look at him with sympathy.

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