Chapter 304

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As Catnap walks into the lab with Candy Cat both of their eyes widen in shock. They slowly make their way into the lab, and Catnap feels his blood run cold. Unlike the other labs, this one was pristine, and spotless of any and all kinds of blood, and mold. He walked in further with Candy Cat and they both looked around splitting up, and heading in two directions. This lab was far bigger then the other labs, and it was obvious that the CEO used this lab the most, and for his own benefit. Catnap was a giant lever labeled 'Skin Suits' and it made him shutter thinking about what it meant. Him being a cat, his curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to lift the lever, big mistake. A large hatch opened up next to him, and the smell of rotting flesh came in waves making his retch and gag. His eyes watered, but he was determined to figure out what was down there, so taking another deep breath he crawled down the hatch. As he crawled down though, his heart stopped because aligning all the walls in that underground room were the Smiling Critter suits. 'Skin suits...' he thought as he went over to them all, he looked through each of them, the old designs, the new designs, the discarded designs, they were all down there, but that didn't explain where the smell was coming from. The smell from the room was so strong that Catnap felt dizzy and lightheaded, but he went further into the room, determined to find Dogday's suit. The longer he stayed in the room the more stronger the scent became, and the more stronger it became meant the lesser time Catnap had until he passed out from it. He ventures forwards still determined to find Dogday's organs, bones, and brain. 'I know why the CEO keeps those masks around now' he thought as he stumbled around the place, looking at the suits. At the end of the room on the far side of the wall was Dogday's suits. There were multiple of his, and also one Catnap never seen before, he read the nametag for the other form 'Happy Husky' it read. He saw that Happy Husky seemed to have their own cardboard cutout made, along with a special button that displayed their voice. Hesitantly Catnap pressed the button and a voice of a young boy came out "hello, I-I'm scared..." it said and Catnap looked at the cardboard cutout in confusion as he tapped it again. "I-I'm Happy H-Husky, welcome to the Playcare friends!" Catnap pressed the button again. "I-I'm missing my br-brother Dogday, have you seen him?" Catnap's eyes widen. He pressed the button one final time... "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!... static" Catnap was frozen in place as he heard that scream. "Dogday has a brother..." he mutters "another brother?!" his eyes widen, but his ear twitches as he hears Jax calling for him. "The CEO is coming!" Catnap's heart is racing as he grabs the Dogday suit, and the organs, bones, and brains for the operation he needs to do. "Hold on, I'm coming!" he screams as he runs out.

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