Chapter 310

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Catnap and the Smiling Critters, minus Craftycorn, all looked into the Dogday suit in silence. "I... what?" Catnap was in disbelief as inside the presumably fur suit was... skin. Human skin. Each of the critters felt uncomfortable about themselves now, was this how all their suits were, was this why they were given such strong scents? They all felt a sense of discomfort about this whole thing, none suspected that the inside of their suits was human flesh. They all started to feel uncomfortable about their own suits, but they were afraid to actually see if it was the same with them, so they all agreed to keep quiet about it, and not speak about anything to the others. The Smiling Critters all decided to keep this big secret between themselves. "Okay everyone..." Catnap had to take a deep breath as the air around them was thick. Nobody knew what to say about this though. Catnap was slightly shaking and backed away from the suit. "I.. I think I may have to trust the CEO with this... I-I can't do this.." he said as his paws shook, and he couldn't do this to his friend, even if it wasn't really his friend, and just a suit, now the sign made sense 'Skin Suits' Catnap seemed to be having a panic attack, but nobody was able to help him as they were all stuck in their own heads thinking how this was their reality.

The CEO shot at the Dogday plushies killing six of them, and looking over at Jax who growled and looked ready to pounce, the CEO aimed his gun at the plushie, but Jax was quick. Jax growls and charges towards the CEO with inhuman speed as the CEO tried to shoot at him, only this was since Jax didn't have a lower torso he was quick on his two front stumpy paws. Launching himself towards the CEO he chopped down on his leg deep enough to draw blood, and hit bone. The CEO screamed out as his leg bled freely, with his last bit of strength he grabs the plushie on his leg, and shot him through the head before he threw the plushie to the side alongside the other Dogday plushies. "Good riddance.." the CEO said as he limps into his office and locks the door. It's quiet in the hallway now, the Dogday plushies lay motionless, and stuffing and blood are coating the walls and carpet. Jax' good eye still has movement as he looks around at his surroundings, he's slowly accepting his fate, and knew that he deserved it from all the awful deeds he's done in the past, but he didn't regret his choice, his friends escaped, and that's all that mattered to him, he was unable to move at all, and his vision was starting to go away significantly. He was bleeding out on top of the other Dogday plushies, but he felt at peace with it. He closed his one remaining eye, and went limp across the other Dogday plushies.

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