Chapter 297

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The CEO was just about to head out of his office when he opened the door Catnap stood there. "What- oh.. what do you want?" he asked in a bit of an annoyed and tired tone towards the cat. Catnap's eyes narrow at the CEO, but he walks into the office causing the CEO to step back into his office as well. "What is it, I don't have time for this" he demands, but Catnap just stays silent. "I need Dogday back, and I need your help with the process, I heard you still have his brain, bones, and organs still lying around somewhere, they're preserved" Catnap said as he looked at the CEO who silently nodded but also frowned towards the Cat. "Look as much as I'd love to help, which I don't care for, I can't the whole process takes a while, and the time that I don't have right now, plus why should I do ANYTHING for you guys after you broke my wrist, and attacked me on several occasions?" The CEO did have a point, but Catnap didn't care because in his eyes the CEO was a monster, a heartless monster who didn't care about anyone but himself, even babies weren't safe from him. Most of the babies hadn't made it through the whole poppy gas situation since they were all very young and overdosed too much on the gas, Catnap shuttered remembering the feeling of the baby corpses, cold, limp, zero plush. The thought of the corpses made Catnap's heart ache, but he had to get Dogday back, and he was determined. "Look I can help you tomorrow morning when I return from the hospital, okay?" the CEO sounded a bit annoyed as he tapped his foot with crossed arms and a glare pointed at Catnap who just glared back. "You better.." Catnap said as he eyed the CEO. The CEO rolled eyes and got on his way, pushing Catnap to the side as he managed to escape. Of course he wasn't planning on helping the toys get their leader back, but he guessed it would be a good opportunity to get the mascot suits he had of Dogday to finally have a purpose. He sighed knowing that he had to do something, otherwise he would have to deal with anger from one toy, but knowing it would spread between toys he thought about just ending Catnap instead. His eyes lit up as he thought about the ways to kill Catnap, that way he wouldn't have to deal with having to help him bring Dogday back, or he could kill off Catnap, and Bring Dogday back just out of spite. The CEO laughed manically at the idea, and agreed on it. He's kill Catnap, bring Dogday back, and tell Dogday about Catnap and spread lies about him. He knew it was probably a stretch but it would be worth it to the CEO from all the trash he put up with from the ungrateful toys.

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