Chapter 248

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As Dogday's dragged by the CEO he's placed right in front of the other Dogday suits. He waits behind his desk, but as he sits down he gets a call. "Uh.. sir, I think the Smiling Critters are on their way" the scientist says as he looked around the Playcare, and it was completely empty. "Oh no.. we better hurry Dogday, we don't seem to have a lot of time to fill your voice lines" he spoke to the unconscious dog mascot on the floor as he leaned back in his chair and replied to the scientist "get your men up to my office, take the secret passage if you have to, don't let the other critters see you guys" as he puts the phone down and looks at Dogday he hears the secret passage open, and a few of his scientists come in. "Perfect timing, bring Dogday to the lab, and make sure he's suited up" he tells them as they nod and pick up Dogday taking him to the lab under the CEO's office. "Alright... only the first time working on a mascot with real human parts inside, what's the worse that can happen if I fail this?" the scientist speaks to themself as the others shrug their shoulders at each other. "Guys get to work, we need to hurry because the other critters are trying to find him, he needs to be in the new suit before they see him" as the scientist says this, the rest nod and run out trying to stabilize Dogday so the surgery won't kill him right away.

The CEO presses a button and starts to call reinforcements to deal with the critters. "Daisy, Cat Bee, it's your time" he said this as Daisy and Cat Bee respond from the other end "I'm on my way sir" Cat Bee runs towards Daisy, and started to get them unhooked from the claw their were attached to. "We gotta hurry, we don't know what we are going up against" Cat Bee explains as she and Daisy run down the hallway towards the sound of fighting and yelling. As the two turn the corner though they're shocked to see The Smiling Critters fighting the security guards. "The CEO was right, they really are evil and only out for human blood" Cat Bee said she took the lead charging at the critters with Daisy right behind her. "I knew you were bad news when the CEO told us about you critters!" Cat Bee yells as she jumps on Catnap's back and bites him causing Catnap to yowl in pain. Cat Bee started to bite his tail, but as she did he swung his tail quickly and she went flying at a wall. "How dare you!" Daisy said as she ran at Catnap, but Craftycorn got in the way and tackled the daisy to the ground as the two struggled for the upper hand. Bobby Bearhug was fighting off two security guards but when she saw Craftycorn in trouble as Daisy got the upper hand, she saw red.

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