Chapter 354

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"Guys, how are we going to stop that mindset of his?" Catnap asked as the others looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" asked Picky who gently punched Kickin who was trying to steal some of her money. "Dogday may actually take a bullet for us" said Catnap but the others just looked at him confused. "I mean, you have told us that before... saying that Dogday is so selfless that he would take a bullet for any of us" Bobby pointed out, but Catnap just frowns. "I know, but when I said it to you guys I said it as a joke, but now... it might be true" Catnap seemed nervous, but the others just stare at him. "So you're saying, that Dogday is acting incredibly selfless now because he wouldn't want any of us to take on the pain and memories he had to deal with, since he remembered all of them?" Bubba tried to understand, and Catnap nods."But Dogday has always been that way, he forgave Craftycorn when she tried to poison him with chocolate, he's thrown himself into danger for us all" Hoppy tried to reason. Catnap hisses as he gets aggravated "guys no I'm saying that Dogday might-" he didn't get to finished as Dogday's paw gently grabbed his shoulder making him jump. He looked up to find Dogday smiling down at him, but the smile seemed forced as Dogday nods towards the kitchen. Catnap looked back at his friends and then to his best friend before he slowly gets up and follows Dogday to the kitchen. There Dogday handed him a plate of cookies while he hand the brownies in his own paws, Catnap looked at Dogday but Dogday smiled innocently and walked towards the other critters. Catnap was a bit suspicious so he looked at the paper and oh boy... Dogday had a lot to say.

The CEO walked out of his office, and looked towards the Dogday plushie pile on the opposite wall. "Hmm... I recall one of you being special to the Smiling Critters... and experiment 1006, but which.. oh, obviously you" he said to the only plushie who looked different from the others, torn off torso, and sharp looking teeth. "I wonder if I could maybe do something with you to help me get rid of Catnap.." he spoke out loud as he grabbed the Dogday plushie and walked back into his office and into the Smiling Critter's lab dead set on getting to work. "I don't need those scientists when I have better scientists at my disposal" as he said this he placed the plushie on the table and turned his back to it, when he turned back around to get the plushie ready for the experiment though... the plushie was gone.

Killy Willy was leaning against a lamppost looking directly at the dog house with crossed arms and a glare. "Those critters have no idea what's going to be happening to them... it's just a matter of time" he spoke quietly.

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