Chapter 216

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As Dogday carried his kids upstairs being mindful of Sharp Charm's quills, he tucked them both into bed as it was midnight. "Good night my children" he said as they say "good night dad" making Dogday smile as he closes the door. He walks back downstairs and smiles towards Catnap before bringing his friend into a long hug. "Thank you Catnap" he spoke in a gentle and sincere tone smiling at his friend when they released each other. Catnap smiled towards the dog and yawns. "Stay here tonight" Dogday tells Catnap making the cat smile as they both sleep on the couch cuddled together. As morning approached they both stayed cuddled even as the sun shown. Dogday would normally be up by then but right now he has just exhausted from the night before with all the running, and playing with the kids. 'One more day then I get to spend the weekend with Catnap and my other friends' Dogday thinks with a soft smile as he gently gets out of the cat's grip. He goes upstairs to get his kids up gently shaking them awake. As Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm both wake up they smile towards Dogday as he smiles goes back downstairs to get breakfast ready. As he cooks the eggs and bacon his tail wags quickly behind him. "Today will be a good Friday" he says smiling as he puts the breakfast on their plates and waits for everyone. Not long after he sits down Catnap walks in sitting down next to him and smiling as they wait for Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm.

As Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm come downstairs and sit down to eat they're greeted with smiles, and cheerful "good morning's" from both Catnap and Dogday. Both responded with "good morning Catnap and dad" they say smiling towards Dogday as he smiles at them both before he gives them both hugs. "You guys eat up, and we will head to school soon" Dogday said as he sat patiently waiting for the others to eat their food. "This weekend we will explore the factory and go around meeting the others again, even spend some time with them all" as Dogday said this Bitty Kitty and Sharp Cheered while Catnap just smiles enjoying the moment.

On their way to school they had talked about what the rest of the factory was like, their thoughts, and feelings about it. Dogday smiled at Catnap as Bitty Kitty was very animated about her own thoughts and feelings about the factory. Sharp Charm listened to her and laughed as she acted like her current self. Dogday felt extremely happy seeing Alya back.

The school day was uneventful, but after school Dogday went back to Home Sweet Home with all the kids and Miss Delight. As they walked in two girls from yesterday wanted to play house with Dogday again, he obliged and walked off with the girls as Miss Delight did laundry and started to clean a bit. Dusting, vacuuming, washing the floors, she stayed busy as Dogday did as well playing with all the kids.

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