Chapter 226

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"Someone took Sunshine's corpse.. into the vent" Catnap told Dogday after a while. Dogday had to process the information for a bit. "Jax" he simply said and walked off "the night cycle is soon, we better get some sleep" he told Catnap who was shocked to hear him say that as he was mostly always energetic and focused on his work. "Is everything okay Dogday?" asked Catnap worriedly. "Everything is fine Catnap, don't worry" replied Dogday as he walks to his dog house. "We still have to check the factory out with Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm though" as Catnap said this Dogday came back out. "You're absolutely right Catnap, where are the two?" asked Dogday looking around for his kids. "Well, they were with Frowny Fox by the school last I checked" Catnap replied as cat and dog started to walk to the school together both getting a nostalgic sense. Catnap sighed as he looked towards Dogday "are you sure you're okay, you seem to be shaking" Catnap said to Dogday as the dog let out a whine. "You're still sick, aren't you?" Catnap narrowed his eyes at Dogday and the dog just let out a whine again. "Dogday you need to rest" he said but Dogday looked over at the cat with narrowed eyes "I tried to Catnap" he countered as Catnap's eyes widen in realization that he was off to bed before Catnap brought up the factory for Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm.

"Sir, what are we doing here?" asked the CEO's newest employees. "Well, as you all know you've been chosen to work with this company, but I do need you to all sign these contracts, they tell me that you agree to what the factory does, and if you say anything to anyone else who isn't an employee you will be tracked down and killed off. The new employees all looked at the CEO in shock but he merely shrugged and gave them all the contracts to sign. All the employees nervously signed them and looked between each other as the CEO took them all smirking. "Welcome to Play Co." he said as the employees all ready to run far away from this place, but all knew they couldn't.

Frowny Fox walked over after seeing Dogday and Catnap looking like they were both ready to fight. "Hey you two" he said getting their attention "are you two going to take Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm on their factory tour?" he asks as Catnap sent a glare at Dogday "we will, but Dogday's going home to rest, he's still sick" the cat said as his tail grabs Dogday's left leg and pulled making Dogday fall forward into Catnap's arms. Dogday let's out a growl as he tried to push Catnap off him but he was two weak to get him off, he soon found himself held bridal style in Catnap's arms. "You were the one who reminded me of the tour.. I wanted to go..." he said in a small voice making Catnap roll his eyes. "Not while you're sick dumb dog, you could faint at any moment while on the tour what if you fell off a conveyor belt like Hoppy had, we wouldn't have Boxy here to save you" as Catnap said that Dogday looked at him feeling guilty. "I'm sorry... I'll go home and rest" he said as Catnap sighs in relief and carries him home and puts him in his dog bed to rest peacefully. Dogday was out like a light. Catnap watched for a while, and eventually he walked off as soon as he thought Dogday was fully asleep. "Frowny, you and I will do the tour with Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm" he said as Frowny Fox just nods in agreement and they both go to find Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm to tell them the good news.

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