Chapter 215

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After a while of getting ready Catnap, Frowny Fox, Bitty Kitty, and Sharp Charm all got ready to explore the factory. Little did they know someone was watching through the vents. "Okay everyone, stay close to each other, we have no idea what's going to happen out there" Catnap had a serious tone and made sure that everyone knew he wasn't messing around when it came to losing anyone to the CEO again. "We already lost Sunshine, and Jax, I'm not losing you two as well, Dogday would be completely broken if he knew I had lost the two of you, you two are like his own kids" Catnap explains to Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm as they both were confused. "Wait, he really does see us as his kids? I thought he was being parental because he wanted to?" asked Sharp Charm. "No, it's because he loves you two, he was the same way when Alya was still human with Angel" Catnap replied in a serious voice, a voice they haven't heard on him before. "So... Dogday truly loves us, as if we were his own kids?" Sharp Charm says smiling a bit at knowing there was hope of him perhaps having a real family. "Of course" said Catnap as he watched Sharp Charm start to cry happy tears. "So... he-he sees us as his own kids, and he-he wants us protected??" he asks in disbelief making both Catnap and Frowny Fox look at each other. "You okay Sharp Charm?" asked Bitty Kitty. "I'm fine... I just... I want to wait until Dogday can join us for the tour during the weekend.." he said in a small voice. Bitty Kitty smiles and actually agrees with him making Frowny and Catnap shocked as she seemed the most excited about going to the factory and looking around, but to know that she would rather wait for Dogday was a huge shock since she was so demanding of wanting to go then and there. Frowny and Catnap shrug as the two younger mascots ran upstairs to their bedroom and left the two others alone in the living room. "Well..." Frowny said as he turned to the door to leave. "Good luck with those two" he said to Catnap as he took his leave. Catnap was just sitting on the couch as Dogday came home later than usual, but Catnap thought nothing of it as he went and hugged his canine companion. Dogday smiled at Catnap and hugged him back. "How was the factory?" he asks and Catnap told him what happened when he was gone, to say Dogday was in shock was an understatement, his jaw dropped, and his tail was wagging like crazy especially as Bitty Kitty and Sharp Charm ran down the stairs and screamed dad to him, bring him to tears as he hugged the both of them close and kissed the tops of their heads. Catnap watched the scene in front of him and wanted to cry tears of joy himself, but avoided it as this was about Dogday and his children, Dogday's children.

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