Story 2

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I'm still not quite sure everyone bullied me back then, but maybe it was because I had a real personality then them. Anyway, the torture started when my Catholic school closed down to combine into one, and I was forced to join the Public School system. 

While at my Catholic School they taught us to be ourselves and to be kind. Of course, some people didn't really like me, but I was never bullied. The public school I attended was a warzone between me and everyone else. I was never heard by anyone, but teachers, who couldn't help solve my problem.

I had few long time friends, but I didn't share the same classes as them. During lunch between 4th and 5th grade, I spent it in the classroom with a few of the rejects just like me. We talked, but I still felt worthless. 

You see, I like to draw cartoons and would look at a picture and draw it. I wanted to share my drawings with everyone else, but they stood up and shouted "Those are traced!"

Not one person stood up for me. They watched, and remained still and silent. I was bullied everyday about my looks, my hobbies, and who I was. I gave up my hobbies because of all those bullies. Drawing, pokemon cards, etc. 

I didn't know that this was only the beginning and the least of it. Nothing really started until the middle of 6th grade where people really noticed who I was. 

I was that girl who didn't care what she wore, or if it matched. I played Xbox, DS, PC, anything. I didn't play those girly games, only the Call of Duty, and all those M rated games. I talked if I was a boy, and I LOVED to read. Reading freely in that world was a sin.

I still had a few friends, but I was never close with them. My best friend had been accepted into a different school and I was stuck here with so little. They didn't see who I was. They didn't know that I went home to tears and thought of myself as worthless and evil.

They told me day by day.

"You're ugly!"

"You're a fake!"

"I wouldn't care if you died! I'd throw a party and invite the whole school to celebrate!"

I defended myself at first, but as the insults kept coming, the more I believed them. I was one person, and they were everyone else.

I managed through 6th grade, and 7th started the same, but that's when I found a best friend and a boyfriend. He found me cool, beautiful, and someone to fun to hang around with. 

I still remember that day after lunch outside when I was chased around the entire school by my friend with hands full of baseball sized rocks. I ran like dear life, but I had asthma and I couldnt breathe. I was so light headed, I couldnt feel my lungs or legs. I stumbled into the back of the gardens where they found me. My boyfriend had told the teacher, but they didnt listen to a word he said, and only had the girl drop the rocks, but she kept coming. I dont know what I did or said to make her this angry, but she found me and punched me square in the nose.

I heard everyone cheering, but she was pulled off me. I managed to ask why, and her response shattered all hope that I had left. "I only did that so she wouldnt get in trouble, not because of you"

I stood there as my boyfriend wrapped his arms around me and walked me inside, but I was covered in dirt, panting, and in tears. My nose throbbed, and I still remained light headed. 

No one ran up to me and asked. "Are you okay?" or "Do you need help?"

I sat in English class that day, my boyfriend sitting beside me, when my favorite teacher noticed and pulled me aside. As I walked with her, talk was all about me, stares were given, but for what? I did nothing.

She really heard me out, sent me to the nurse then the office where I wrote a report about what had happened.

I went home that day in utter shock, but went to my boyfriend's house later on. He had my phone for safe keeping. The next two days I didnt go to school. I feared. All she got was a two day expension, and that was it. My family was mad.

I pulled through that year in silence, only really talking to my boyfriend who showed his true colors. He bullied me too. Messed with my emotions and I couldnt get the courage to leave.

That next year I was put into another Catholic school. Nothing much had happened there except I met a friend that I still remain friends with, I got away from my abusive ex boyfriend and I still remained sad.

My mom and her boyfriend had been dating for a couple years now, and decided that now would be a good time to move together down in Connecticut. My grades at my catholic school showed my unhappiness, and the things I felt.

Timothy Edwards Middle School saved my life...

I was nervous to go back to school, but I had met so many new friends that I still am friends with. But during the month of November I met this kid online, actually through a friend on Wattpad who knew him on Wattpad also. 

We talked, became friends then best friends. Though he lived over 100 miles away from me I was glad to have him. He supported me, and loved me as a friend as no one else did. He treated me like a human, and my emotions finally came back on the train's tracks. 

I was happy now in my new house, my new friends, my new school, but I still felt empty.

On March 18, 2014 my best friend got the nerves up to ask me to be his and of course I said yes! Many of you may think that having a long distance relationship is bad, but it really tests how far love can go. I dont care what others say, but he made my life back onto track, and taught me how to be a friend because I had no idea how. I really do thank him for that about everyday.

My story is long, but what remained hidden behind it, was that writing kept me going. Stories played behind my eyes, and they turned onto pages. 

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