Story 82

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I was bullied from kindergarten to seventh grade by classmates and bystanders. They pushed me, called me names and picked on me. I spent eight years being told how I wasn't good enough or no one loved me. I no longer am bullied because my mom switched me to online school.

The teachers didn't help, they just gave them a warning and the classmates continued to bully me. Then when I would report it again they would say that I was just making excuses, that I should just ignore them and they'll leave me alone.

The bullies still continued to pick on me and call me names, they didn't stop. The teachers just ignored me so one day I gave up and went right up to the teacher saying, "Fuck you."

They reported me and I got recess detention. Yet my bullies got a warning for calling me, "Whore, Slut, Fag, Lesbian, Gay, Cunt, Bitch, Cracker, Shit face, Loser, Nothing, Nobody" etc..

When I almost committed suicide, they called me an attention whore and said I should have continued with it.

My best friend bitch slapped someone for calling me gay because I hang out with guys.

No one would listen to me and nobody helped me. I felt so alone and I got in trouble for being the victim. School's repeatedly tell us that they will do something if bullying happens yet when I tell them they don't do anything.

I've been cyberbullied, name calling, bullied, physical altercations and gotten blamed for. I'm tired of it and I want this to stop, someone needs to actually do something other then making them say sorry because let's admit it, sorry doesn't do shit.

Nothing can make them feel sorry for what they do to us, no one is there for us when they say they will. So to all the teachers who say they'd help me, Fuck You for not being there wen you said you would so Fuck You.

Sorry for the language but I'm done with this, I hated school and I'm so scared to go back. They did this to me because my parent's were divorced, I was the new girl and I hang out with boys.

Please, stop bullying. Please.

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