Story 326

317 16 2

My bully was my best friend. It was 7th grade when I made 2 new friends that I thought we would stay best friends for a while. I laughed with them, chatted with them, and everything was great.

Until I got a text from one of my old friends who was in our "group"

"Hey I just thought you should know that I'm in a group chat with (insert the 2 names of the friends here) and they are talking behind your back and calling you names and telling stories about you I know aren't true"

She sent me picture after picture after picture of what they were saying about me. I couldn't believe it. That morning we had been our same old lauhing selves. And suddenly they were spreading these horrible rumors?! Coming from a girl who I had helped deal with friend problems. Coming from another girl who I helped her deal with her thoughts when she was on the verge of becoming a victim of anorexia nervosa, a girl who I sent food to when her drunk father was terrorizing her and her sister. I couldn't believe it.

I went to school the next day acting as if I had no idea what had happened and they acted the same. It went on like this for months until I asked them are you mad at me? And they said of course not! What a lie.

One of the harder times was when we were in gym and it was one of their turns to climb but their harness was done completely wrong and we had 5 minutes left for one climber so we had to skip her so more people could climb. She flipped out. She started screaming at me for never caring and always acting like she was stupid and a horrible person. All I had done was tell her she would get hurt if she climbed with her harness like that. She started screaming about how much of a whore, slut, freak, weirdo, stupid and mean person I was because I walked all over her like a doormat. I was astounded.

That night I got pictures of her saying how mean I was at gym and how I flipped out and started screaming at her. That was when I started having trust issues and panic attacks and anxiety attacks. She would pinch and prod me and act as if she wasn't doing anything wrong. In reality, she became what I had and still have nightmares about.

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