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I was in seventh grade when this had happened. I had never imagined I would have been bullied or that something like that would happen to me. I thought that because I had been through so much stuff already in my life that nothing more could possibly happen. So I ignored every red flag that my 'friends' showed me. They didn't really even like me. But I was oblivious. I was in the "popular" group at the time and the two leaders were identical twins. I'm going to call the Twin 1 and Twin 2. Twin 2 was slightly nicer then Twin 1. But there main bestfriend at the time was my friend/neighbor. Let's call her J. So, one day I heard Twin 1 and Twin 2 talk about J behind J's back and say how ugly she was and mean she was. So being the loyal friend I was I told J. I sometimes think that if I had of never told J that none of what came next would have happened. But, I had no clue what was coming next. It all happened so fast. J had told one of the girls that was talking about her let's call her A. Well J told A that I overheard the, talking about her and she wanted to know if it was true. Well A denied and then told Twin 1 and Twin 2 what I did and the. The twins told everyone in their group. The twins manipulated J into thinking I was lying and that I was a bitch. J beloved them. I found out what had happened but I blew it off. I didn't need them anyways. I did feel hurt that J didn't believe me but whatever right? It got worse. I don't even know what happened next it was a blur. But when I got home that night what I saw was a shock. First were the texts. They all sent me texts saying what a bitch I was. How stupid I was. How ugly I was. I didn't even know what to think. And then on Instagram they told everyone they hated me and to block me and unfollow me. All of my other friends left me for the twins and I felt so alone. But I kept my head high and met a boy. A wonderful kind loving boy. Soon we started dating but all hell broke loose. Because Twin 1 liked him. I started recovering death threats. I felt like everyone hate me. I found out he was cheating on me with Twin 1 but we still stayed together because I felt like I needed him. He was the only person I had. Then one night I lost my virginity to him. The next day everyone was laughing about something I finally found out what. He had taped us having sex and sent it to everyone. I was so upset and sat that when I got home that night I took some of my mothers insomnia pills and tried to kill myself. I woke up at the hospital and found out that I had nearly succeeded. The death threats got worst and so did the teasing when I returned to school. I had no clue people were so cruel. I wished I had a friend but I felt like everyone hated me. So I started doing drugs, alcohol, and cutting myself. It took away all the pain I was feeling. My mom was always with her boyfriend and my older brother didn't care about me. I became so depressed. Three months after sleeping with my EX-boyfriend I realized I was pregnant I decided to keep the baby but it didn't help my situation at all. Then people said the one thing that got to, me more then anything. They'd started telling me that my dad left because of me. That I was too ugly. Stuff lie, that. Then one day I got cornered and Twin 1 punched me In The face. By that point I needed help and one of the teachers witnessed what had happened. Twin 1 and her gang got suspended for four days. During that time I had been signed up for a support group. I was almost done with eight grade anyways so for freshman year my mom and her fifth boyfriend moved out to Canada. I did high school there and am now in my senior year. Last year we moved back to the U.S. and I now live in LA. I met my dad but, I don't think that's going to happen again and me and my brother actually became friends. I went to a teens addiction center in Canada and got help and with lots of hardworking and dedication gave up my addiction. I went to a support group in Camada but I still needed help for my addictions, PTSD, and depression so I attended one in LA. I was surprised to see that I wasn't the only person. As for Twin 1 and Twin 2 I heard from my old and only friend back in Boston that they had became sluts and had to go to a troubled kid boarding school. J apologized to me and we aren't exactly good friends anymore but we are kinda friends. A became a really good basketball player and currently had several scholarships she could choose. My old and first boyfriend became addicted to drugs as well and was in rehab. I knew because I still followed him on Instagram. (I know stupid right) and I currently had a bunch of great friends who supported me, a loving boyfriend who would never hurt me and amazing teachers. I currently have a scholarship to UCLA for acting so once k graduate I'm going to pursue my acting career. Oh yea I almost forgot. I gave birth to a beautiful girl who is turning into a beautiful young little lady and I love her so much. So though all of this I found away to start over. I guess the moral of the story is don't get involved in drama and don't be oblivious. 

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