Story 398

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My story is a bit short but it actually really hurt me,because the whole class was on it.The beginning is boring but the ending probably made me cry writing it.

It was second term (I go to a British school) I walked into a class until a guy who joined the school last year said my name and patted the table him saying I sit next to him.At first I thought it was a joke but when I saw my name I was quite shocked

Time skip to breaktime,my friends and I sat all together,they talked about how much they love their seats because all of them sat really close to each other.As I sat there talking about how I sit next to someone I never really made friends with.My two closest friends were even say close to each other.

It was the middle of that term and I actually made good friends with the guy,he was funny,made me laugh at times,he would always make me smile and I never really got a chance to talk to my two closest friends.I never really got to because at break time we had to sit in our class,in our seats and eat.

There was whispering going around whenever the two of us talked and I ignored it.

One day I hung out with one of my friends at her house (not the two closest friends) being the girls we are,we talked about how our lives were going.She suddenly turned the conversation about the guy.

"You know,people say the guy is crushing on you because he always make you a laugh and smile" my eyes widened at what she said

I mean okay.He did make me laugh but we never talked to each other flirty like,we were complete geeks.

I asked her who started it and who is it between

"(The two closest friends) and the whole class is talking about it"

I was so shocked and terrified.Romours were being spread in the class.What I've been told school is that rumour spreading is bullying.

But the moment she told me that my two closest friends were the ones who were also involved.I shook it off.

'No way they would do that to me..' Is what I thought

Fast forward to a couple of weeks.I haven't been playing with my two closest friends in the playground a lot.I would avoid them because they hung out with a girl who used to bully me because of my face

(it's not really that sad as a story because I kept telling the teacher)

So I pretty much avoided them because they talked to her.Then I realised.Both of my closest friends sat at a table same as hers.At the table FAR away from mine.

It scared me how every time I turned my head to them I would see that the three of them whispering and pointing at me.I gulped.Was what one of my friends told me real?

I was an idiot for not talking to them for long and not asking them what the hell they were doing pointing at me and whispering.

When it was break time I played shed tag with a bunch of classmates (shed tag:where the sheds were base).I was on a shed as I saw the three of them.Far away.Walking.To.the guy.I couldn't make out what they where talking about but the three of them were laughing as the guy pulled his hands out of his pockets looking extremely confused.He looked around the playground and his eyes met mine as he gave me a weak smile.

I quickly averted my eyes from him as one of my classmates had her hand on my shoulder,I told her about how suspicious my two closest friends were acting and she got curious.

"Just ignore them.." She told me,but I couldn't the three of them started to walk towards me

I wanted to turn my head and tell her something but before I could she ran off to the other shed.

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