Story 387

346 18 6

Earlier this year I met a girl who was famous-ish in the media, we got really involved with each other and started hanging out a lot. One day I came home and she was crying on my doorstep about her parents being unfair and throwing her out. She was living with me for maybe 2 months when it all started to unfold

She had been thrown out of her BOYFRIENDS house not her parents. She was thrown out for becoming hostile and trying to kill him in his sleep several times. All of this came from him and I didn't know what to do.

My decision was made for me...

She ran out with a knife and started screaming at him to leave then she turned on me trying to stab me.

Her true colors started showing...

She would always be rude to me buying me diet supplements and circling where I could loose some weight. I'm a guy so this really didn't bother me until she tried to cut the fat off.

I threw her out and called the cops but nothing happened she has a new boyfriend and everyone I know hates her.

That's not a bullying story


From that point on people would ridicule me for that and she broke my heart these people just broke me.

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