Submission 904

559 13 2

I'm a victim of bullying, almost everyone is and it sickens me to have anyone go through what I went to. My bullying started when I was in 3 grade up to 5 grade, I was always getting pick on, even my so called "friends" bullied me. They would call ugly cause I have a mole under my chin (sucks I know :( ) they would tell me. "No ones gonna marry you, you're too ugly." Or "ahh who let this ugly girl her?!" Not only make fun of my mole, but they made fun of how I dress and act like a boy. "You're a girl you can't play sports." After elementy school, middle school started, and the bullies continue making fun of my appearance, I became really insecure, I tried to hide my face the best I could. If they couldn't make fun of my mole they made fun of my gap teeth. I was totally convinced I was ugly, I started cutting on my legs. One day in PE I started crying and showed my teacher my cuts, she took me to my school counselor. We talk, I was actually feeling better. A whole year past and the bullying continued. Every day I put concealer on my mole hoping to get me a day with out mean comments. I have really good friends that help me, even though I still feel insecure and unhappy who I am. I have people who don't care how I look, family who loves me. So to the people who think they ugly and unwanted, No you're not you're amazing.

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