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I had been bullied for the last 9 years of my existence. It actually was slightly bearable until I got to college. I guess it got really bad because I was stuck living with my bullied. See I went to college having every hope to succeed. Sadly my life got turned a different route. I spent every miserable day faced with challenges with my parents as I faced day after day reeled with mental, verbal, and emotional abuse. It didnt help growing up So adding college into it made my depression and anxiety worse. Basically I became open with who I was. I came out as a lesbian and many people seemed okay with it. I didnt think it would have any affect. It actually didnt get bad till after the first month. Finally I had heard all the rumors. People started calling me a freak and a bitch. Sadly it was people that lives on my floor who did so. They insulted me and made it known I was hated. Having anxiety and dealing with my parents and my depression; it became way too much yet it had only started. The overview is basically they tore apart my friendships. I lost some of my friends and eventually I found letters posted on my door telling me to get out and leave and how nobody wanted me there. At all hours of the night I was faced with people banging on my wall's and door. They would also do it while I was in the bathroom or shower. It got bad enough that I was scared to leave my room. I hated going to the bathroom or opening the door. I lost all contact for three weeks until me and one of my friends made up. In that time my depression and anxiety reached an all time new high. I was constantly overdosing on prescription medicine and over the counter drugs. I was self harming on a constant and had even tried to take my own life multiple times. It wasn't until I tried to kill myself three times in one week and had cuts covering my sides, hips, and all up and down my arms did I finally asked for help with the bullying. I soon got moved off the floor; it was all they could do. But then again they didnt know about the suicide attempts not self harm; they only had a record of my past with depression and anxiety. Even though I got off the floor, I still saw my bullied. They still tried to make my life hell and they had succeeded as I have in and left. I left school after failing half of my classes. But even though I was convinced I was gonna kill myself; I actually found myself a little more. I got the courage to stand up to my family and I left my misery behind. I'm slightly happier than I once was and sometimes it's hard for me to believe that not even a month ago, I was stuck in school facing a constant torture from girls who made my life hell. I have gotten better since then even if it's been less than a month. But the scars from my torture still haunt me even as I talk now. You think that it would end in high school but for me it definitely didnt; it got worse. But luckily now I'm happier and I've found myself a little more. I've made a promise to myself not to reach that low again Because I don't want to face that torture ever again from anyone. They judged me and envied me. They took advantage of me. I was told by many people that I was too nice. I was the nicest person You could come across. Because of that I was bullied and called fake. I believe you should be nice but dont let someone tear you down for who you are. That was a mistake I wont let happen again. Thank you for letting me tell my story. 

ADVICE: Dont let anyone take advantage of how nice you are. Its okay that not everyone likes you and it's okay to get mad and hold a grudge. Dont let others control you. because or tear you apart because you were too nice.

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