Story 27

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When I was around the age of nine, insults started coming my way like a barrage of rocks thrown at the enemy.

I knew I wasn't the prettiest, nor the ugliest, but if I was confident about one thing, it was that I loved to run.

Each day at recess, I would play zombie tag with this group of people. Back then, I didn't realize that playing with a whole group of boys had something wrong with it. All I could think of was winning and having fun with my boy-friends. (Ya know)

Everyday, I played with the boys, not caring what anybody thought. It was one day after recess when I overheard these girls gossiping.

They were part of this thing that they formed and proclaimed themselves as "The popular clique."

"I heard [My name] was a Lez-bee-unh. Or is she gay?"

They loved to spread rumors and basically made everybody who they thought was too multi-talented feel less important.

Now, I know that running is not a big deal, but apparently, if you can play the piano, guitar, do archery, tennis, fish, and in the future, do track, they think you're a threat.

Of course no girl ever stood up for me.

"Lez-bee-unh," girls would mutter under their breath whenever I passed by.

I ran home to my mom crying.

At home, my mom would always be busy with this and all sorts, but when she heard me crying, she dropped everything and ran to me.

"What's wrong?" She had asked.

After I had poured my sob story out, she had told me to man up and I know this sounds childish but we came up with devious plan.

After this pep talk, these things happened:

1) a girl from the popular clique haughtily commanded me to ask one of my friends out for her. (I told my friend that she had herpes & an STD instead if asking him out for her)

2) a girl eventually joined the zombie tag game that I now dominated because I was faster than all the boys xD. She became my best friend for a year.

3) the following year, I met my current best friend when we both transferred to the same school. The only thing we shared in common was the hatred for each other. We barely tolerated each other. In fifth grade towards the ending of the year, we got along pretty quickly when we both hated the same person. (STD girl).

4) I built a metaphorical wall around myself. All insults were bounced off and so were compliments from my peers; I never really believed they were true (the compliments) and while all the insults actually hurt me, I acted as if they were stupid and they apparently felt intinidated .

5) I joined the new school's zombie tag but this time, I didn't dominate because there was this guy there. We had a tie between skills. I was faster but he had more stanima, so when we were both paired as a team, everybody was dead. He later became my third best friend, & my track buddy. (My second best friend I met in seventh grade). (STD girl liked him but he R-E-J-E-C-T-E-D her; his mom is actually rooting me & him to get married but turns out, he's gay xD).

6) I became one of the many few tomboys in my school. At first people bullied me because I was also a nerd, but after I "accidently" kicked her inn the shins and caused her to have to take a break from cheerleading, no one wanted to bother the nerd who liked to fight.

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