Story 243

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I think it all went down hill in sixth first time in public school...iv always had social anxiety and its hard for me to make friends so I never really had started out with just being called hurt because I have always had a low self esteem...then I would be called it, bitch, weird...I was threatened by a girl saying she was going to beat me up..every little thing that I did people laughed at me..alot of the time I would I would eat alone at lunch or people would laugh at me for eating so I began to eat less..people would tell me i dont deserve friends ....I told the teacher but she did nothing about any of this point I was considering suicide...not going to lie..I wanted out...the school year finally ended and I changed schools for the rest of middle school and it got better but the scars from that year are still with me...I was around 13 and im 17 forward to today..yes I am bullied the same people even though they saw what they did to me and how it affected me and other people..I dont really have any friends and the ones I thought were dont care..people laugh at me because my anxiety tends to make me freak out when new people talk to me....iv been called names and made fun of for basically everything. ..iv eaten lunch alone plenty of times...iv been told to go away....yes I have self harmed...yes I have considered suicide again...I wish I could say my story has a happy ending...maybe someday it will maybe not idk right now honestly im not in a good mind set but I wanted to share because I want people to realize words do hurt and they can stick for years

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